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See the recommended documentation of this function
bicubic spline gridded 2d interpolation
Calling Sequence
C = splin2d(x, y, z, [,spline_type])
- x
a 1-by-nx matrix of doubles, the x coordinate of the interpolation points. We must have x(i)<x(i+1), for i=1,2,...,nx-1.
- y
a 1-by-ny matrix of doubles, the y coordinate of the interpolation points. We must have y(i)<y(i+1), for i=1,2,...,ny-1.
- z
a nx-by-ny matrix of doubles, the function values.
- spline_type
a 1-by-1 matrix of strings, the typof of spline to compute. Available values are spline_type="not_a_knot" and spline_type="periodic".
- C
the coefficients of the bicubic patches. This output argument of splin2d is the input argument of the interp2d function.
This function computes a bicubic spline or sub-spline
s which interpolates the
(xi,yj,zij) points, ie, we have
s(xi,yj)=zij for all i=1,..,nx
and j=1,..,ny. The resulting spline
s is defined by the triplet
where C
is the vector (of
length 16(nx-1)(ny-1)) with the coefficients of each of the (nx-1)(ny-1)
bicubic patches : on [x(i) x(i+1)]x[y(j) y(j+1)],
s is defined by :

The evaluation of s at some points must be done
by the interp2d function. Several kind of
splines may be computed by selecting the appropriate
parameter. The method used to compute the
bicubic spline (or sub-spline) is the old fashionned one 's, i.e. to
compute on each grid point (xi,yj) an approximation
of the first derivatives ds/dx(xi,yj) and
ds/dy(xi,yj) and of the cross derivative
d2s/dxdy(xi,yj). Those derivatives are computed by
the mean of 1d spline schemes leading to a C2 function
(s is twice continuously differentiable) or by the
mean of a local approximation scheme leading to a C1 function only. This
scheme is selected with the spline_type
parameter (see
splin for details) :
- "not_a_knot"
this is the default case.
- "periodic"
to use if the underlying function is periodic : you must have z(1,j) = z(nx,j) for all j in [1,ny] and z(i,1) = z(i,ny) for i in [1,nx] but this is not verified by the interface.
From an accuracy point of view use essentially the not_a_knot type or periodic type if the underlying interpolated function is periodic.
The natural, monotone, fast (or fast_periodic) type may be useful in some cases, for instance to limit oscillations (monotone being the most powerful for that).
To get the coefficients of the bi-cubic patches in a more friendly
way you can use c = hypermat([4,4,nx-1,ny-1],C)
the coefficient (k,l) of the patch
(i,j) (see equation here before) is stored at
. Nevertheless the interp2d function wait for the big vector
and not for the hypermatrix c
(note that one can easily retrieve C
with C=c(:)
// example 1 : interpolation of cos(x)cos(y) n = 7; // a regular grid with n x n interpolation points // will be used x = linspace(0,2*%pi,n); y = x; z = cos(x')*cos(y); C = splin2d(x, y, z, "periodic"); m = 50; // discretisation parameter of the evaluation grid xx = linspace(0,2*%pi,m); yy = xx; [XX,YY] = ndgrid(xx,yy); zz = interp2d(XX,YY, x, y, C); emax = max(abs(zz - cos(xx')*cos(yy))); clf() plot3d(xx, yy, zz, flag=[2 4 4]) [X,Y] = ndgrid(x,y); param3d1(X,Y,list(z,-9*ones(1,n)), flag=[0 0]) str = msprintf(" with %d x %d interpolation points. ermax = %g",n,n,emax) xtitle("spline interpolation of cos(x)cos(y)"+str)

// example 2 : different interpolation functions on random data n = 6; x = linspace(0,1,n); y = x; z = rand(n,n); np = 50; xp = linspace(0,1,np); yp = xp; [XP, YP] = ndgrid(xp,yp); ZP1 = interp2d(XP, YP, x, y, splin2d(x, y, z, "not_a_knot")); ZP2 = linear_interpn(XP, YP, x, y, z); ZP3 = interp2d(XP, YP, x, y, splin2d(x, y, z, "natural")); ZP4 = interp2d(XP, YP, x, y, splin2d(x, y, z, "monotone")); xset("colormap", jetcolormap(64)) clf() subplot(2,2,1) plot3d1(xp, yp, ZP1, flag=[2 2 4]) xtitle("not_a_knot") subplot(2,2,2) plot3d1(xp, yp, ZP2, flag=[2 2 4]) xtitle("bilinear interpolation") subplot(2,2,3) plot3d1(xp, yp, ZP3, flag=[2 2 4]) xtitle("natural") subplot(2,2,4) plot3d1(xp, yp, ZP4, flag=[2 2 4]) xtitle("monotone") show_window()

// example 3 : not_a_knot spline and monotone sub-spline // on a step function a = 0; b = 1; c = 0.25; d = 0.75; // create interpolation grid n = 11; x = linspace(a,b,n); ind = find(c <= x & x <= d); z = zeros(n,n); z(ind,ind) = 1; // a step inside a square // create evaluation grid np = 220; xp = linspace(a,b, np); [XP, YP] = ndgrid(xp, xp); zp1 = interp2d(XP, YP, x, x, splin2d(x,x,z)); zp2 = interp2d(XP, YP, x, x, splin2d(x,x,z,"monotone")); // plot clf() xset("colormap",jetcolormap(128)) subplot(1,2,1) plot3d1(xp, xp, zp1, flag=[-2 6 4]) xtitle("spline (not_a_knot)") subplot(1,2,2) plot3d1(xp, xp, zp2, flag=[-2 6 4]) xtitle("subspline (monotone)")
See Also
- cshep2d — bidimensional cubic shepard (scattered) interpolation
- linear_interpn — n dimensional linear interpolation
- interp2d — bicubic spline (2d) evaluation function
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5.4.0 | previously, imaginary part of input arguments were implicitly ignored. |
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