- Aide Scilab
- Chaînes de caractères
- asciimat
- eval
- evstr
- string
- ascii
- blanks
- char
- convstr
- emptystr
- grep
- isalphanum
- isascii
- isdigit
- isletter
- isnum
- justify
- length
- part
- regexp
- sci2exp
- strcat
- strchr
- strcmp
- strcmpi
- strcspn
- strindex
- strings
- stripblanks
- strncpy
- strrchr
- strrev
- strsplit
- strspn
- strstr
- strsubst
- strtod
- strtok
- tokenpos
- tokens
Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2025.0.0. This page might be outdated.
See the recommended documentation of this function
returns the tokens positions in a character string
Calling Sequence
kdf = tokenpos(str [,delimiter])
- str
a character string. The string where to search the tokens.
- delimiter
(optional) a character or a vector of characters. The tokens delimiters.
- kdf
a two column matrix, first column gives the index of the beginning of the tokens, the second gives the index of the last character of the tokens.
kdf = tokenpos(str [,delimiter])
searches the tokens
included in the string str
. The
default value is [" ",<Tab>]
where <Tab>
stands for
. It returns the indices of the first and last
characters of each found tokens.
str = 'This is a character string'; kdf = tokenpos(str) first = part(str, kdf(1,1):kdf(1,2))
See Also
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