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Aide Scilab >> Matrices creuses > Linear Equations (Iterative Solvers) > gmres


Generalized Minimum RESidual method

Calling Sequence

[x,flag,err,iter,res] = gmres(A,b,[rstr,[tol,[maxi,[M,[x0]]]]])



n-by-n matrix or function returning A*x. If A is a function, it must have the following header :

function y=A(x)

right hand side vector


initial guess vector (default: zeros(n,1))


preconditioner: matrix of size n-by-n or function returning M*x (In the first case, default: eye(n,n)). If M is a function, it must have the following header :

function y=M(x)

number of iterations between restarts (default: 10)


maximum number of iterations (default: n)


error tolerance (default: 1e-6)


solution vector


final residual norm


number of iterations performed

0 =

gmres converged to the desired tolerance within maxi iterations

1 =

no convergence given maxi


residual vector



solves the linear system Ax=b using the Generalized Minimal residual method with restarts.


of this algorithm are described in :

"Templates for the Solution of Linear Systems: Building Blocks for Iterative Methods", Barrett, Berry, Chan, Demmel, Donato, Dongarra, Eijkhout, Pozo, Romine, and Van der Vorst, SIAM Publications, 1993 (ftp; cd linalg; get

"Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems, Second Edition" Saad, SIAM Publications, 2003 (ftp; cd dept/users/saad/PS; get


// If A and M are matrices
A=[ 94  0   0   0    0   28  0   0   32  0  
    0   59  13  5    0   0   0   10  0   0  
    0   13  72  34   2   0   0   0   0   65 
    0   5   34  114  0   0   0   0   0   55 
    0   0   2   0    70  0   28  32  12  0  
    28  0   0   0    0   87  20  0   33  0  
    0   0   0   0    28  20  71  39  0   0  
    0   10  0   0    32  0   39  46  8   0  
    32  0   0   0    12  33  0   8   82  11 
    0   0   65  55   0   0   0   0   11  100];
[x,flag,err,iter,res] = gmres(A, b)

M = eye(10, 10);

[x,flag,err,iter,res] = gmres(A, b, 10, 1d-12, 20, M, zeros(10, 1))

// If A is a matrix and M is a function
A=[ 94  0   0   0    0   28  0   0   32  0  
    0   59  13  5    0   0   0   10  0   0  
    0   13  72  34   2   0   0   0   0   65 
    0   5   34  114  0   0   0   0   0   55 
    0   0   2   0    70  0   28  32  12  0  
    28  0   0   0    0   87  20  0   33  0  
    0   0   0   0    28  20  71  39  0   0  
    0   10  0   0    32  0   39  46  8   0  
    32  0   0   0    12  33  0   8   82  11 
    0   0   65  55   0   0   0   0   11  100];

function y=Mtimesx(x)
M = eye(10,10);
y = M*x;

[x,flag,err,iter,res] = gmres(A, b, 10, 1d-12, 20, Mtimesx, zeros(10, 1))

// If A is a function and M is a matrix
function y=Atimesx(x)
A=[ 94  0   0   0    0   28  0   0   32  0  
    0   59  13  5    0   0   0   10  0   0  
    0   13  72  34   2   0   0   0   0   65 
    0   5   34  114  0   0   0   0   0   55 
    0   0   2   0    70  0   28  32  12  0  
    28  0   0   0    0   87  20  0   33  0  
    0   0   0   0    28  20  71  39  0   0  
    0   10  0   0    32  0   39  46  8   0  
    32  0   0   0    12  33  0   8   82  11 
    0   0   65  55   0   0   0   0   11  100];
 y = A * x;
 b = ones(10,1);
 M = eye(10, 10);
 [x,flag,err,iter,res] = gmres(Atimesx, b)
 [x,flag,err,iter,res] = gmres(Atimesx, b, 10, 1d-12, 20, M, zeros(10,1))
 // If A and M are functions
 function y=Atimesx(x)
A=[ 94  0   0   0    0   28  0   0   32  0  
    0   59  13  5    0   0   0   10  0   0  
    0   13  72  34   2   0   0   0   0   65 
    0   5   34  114  0   0   0   0   0   55 
    0   0   2   0    70  0   28  32  12  0  
    28  0   0   0    0   87  20  0   33  0  
    0   0   0   0    28  20  71  39  0   0  
    0   10  0   0    32  0   39  46  8   0  
    32  0   0   0    12  33  0   8   82  11 
    0   0   65  55   0   0   0   0   11  100];
 y = A * x;
 function y=Mtimesx(x)
M = eye(10,10);
y = M*x;
 [x,flag,err,iter,res] = gmres(Atimesx, b, 10, 1d-12, 20, Mtimesx, zeros(10,1))

See Also

  • pcg — precondioned conjugate gradient
  • qmr — quasi minimal resiqual method with preconditioning
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Last updated:
Mon Oct 01 17:37:21 CEST 2012