Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2024.1.0. This page might be outdated.
See the recommended documentation of this function
- m2sci_if — Conditionally execute statements
- m2sci_ifft — Inverse discrete Fourier transform
- m2sci_imag — Complex imaginary part
- m2sci_input — Request user input
- m2sci_int16 — Convert to 16-bit signed integer
- m2sci_int32 — Convert to 32-bit signed integer
- m2sci_int8 — Convert to 8-bit signed integer
- m2sci_interp1 — One_dimension interpolation function
- m2sci_inv — Matrix inverse
- m2sci_isa — Detect an object of a given type
- m2sci_iscell — Determine if input is a cell array
- m2sci_ischar — Determine if item is a character array
- m2sci_isdir — Determine if item is a directory
- m2sci_isempty — True for empty matrix
- m2sci_isequal — Determine if arrays are numerically equal
- m2sci_isfield — Determine if input is a structure array field
- m2sci_isfinite — True for finite elements
- m2sci_isglobal — Determine if item is a global variable
- m2sci_ishandle — Determines if values are valid graphics object handles
- m2sci_ishold — Return hold state
- m2sci_isinf — True for infinite elements
- m2sci_isinteger — Detect whether an array has integer data type
- m2sci_isletter — True for letters of the alphabet
- m2sci_islogical — Determine if item is a logical array
- m2sci_isnan — Detect NaN elements of an array
- m2sci_isnumeric — Determine if input is a numeric array
- m2sci_ispc — Determine if PC (Windows) version
- m2sci_isreal — Determine if all array elements are real numbers
- m2sci_isscalar — Determine if input is scalar
- m2sci_isspace — Detect elements that are ASCII white spaces
- m2sci_isstr — Determine if item is a character array
- m2sci_isstruct — Determine if input is a structure array
- m2sci_isunix — Determine if Unix version
- m2sci_isvector — Determine if input is a vector
- m2sci_issparse — Test if matrix is sparse
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