Scilab 5.3.1
- Ajuda Scilab
- Dicas de Conversão de Matlab para Scilab
- Matlab-Scilab equivalents
- T
- tan (Matlab function)
- tanh (Matlab function)
- tic (Matlab function)
- title (Matlab function)
- toc (Matlab function)
- toeplitz (Matlab function)
- tril (Matlab function)
- triu (Matlab function)
- true (Matlab function)
- type (Matlab function)
Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2025.0.0. This page might be outdated.
See the recommended documentation of this function
toeplitz (Matlab function)
Toeplitz matrix
Particular cases
toeplitz can be used with empty matrices in Scilab but not in Matlab.
- T=toeplitz(c)
If c is complex, use mtlb_toeplitz in Scilab to have the same result than Matlab. Else if c is not a scalar or a vector, use mtlb_toeplitz in Scilab to have the same result than Matlab.
- T=toeplitz(c,r)
If c and r are not scalars or vectors or if c(1,1)<>r(1,1), use: mtlb_toeplitz in Scilab to have the same result than Matlab.
<< toc (Matlab function) | T | tril (Matlab function) >> |