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Ajuda Scilab >> API Scilab > Scilab Gateway API > Scilab C Types

Scilab C Types

the C types available in a C gateway


WARNING: This API is deprecated from Scilab 5.2.0 and is going to be removed with Scilab 6.0. Please use API Scilab (the new Scilab API).

The string/char * datatype in the Scilab memory:


  • "c"

The string/char ** datatype in the Scilab memory:


  • "S"

A matrix of double * if the size of the matrix is 1,1, it is a single value:


  • "d"

A matrix of rational * if the size of the matrix is 1,1, it is a single value


  • "r"

A matrix of integer * if the size of the matrix is 1,1, it is a single value:


  • "I"

A matrix of 'little' integer * 'little' because in reality, this int is a complex with the imaginary * part set to 0 * if the size of the matrix is 1,1, it is a single value:


  • "i"

A matrix of boolean * if the size of the matrix is 1,1, it is a single value:


  • "b"

A matrix of complex * if the size of the matrix is 1,1, it is a single value:


  • "z"

A sparse matrix * if the size of the matrix is 1,1, it is a single value


  • "s"

A list:


  • "l"

A typed list:


  • "t"

A Matrix oriented typed list * mlist object are very similar to tlist objects. But * if M is an mlist, for any index i which is not a field name, * M(i) is not the i th field of the list but is interpreted as * the i th entry of M seen as a vector. * This is the only difference between mlist and tlist:


  • "m"

The scilab pointer datatype in the Scilab memory:


  • "p"

The scilab graphic handle datatype in the Scilab memory:


  • "h"

An "external" is a function or routine which is used as an argument * of some high-level primitives (such as ode, optim, schur...):


  • "f"

A matrix of polynomial coeff * if the size of the matrix is 1,1, it is a single value:


  • "x"

See Also

  • mlist — objeto Scilab, definição de listas com tipos orientadas matricialmente
  • list — objeto do Scilab e definição de lists ("listas")
  • tlist — objeto do Scilab e definição de listas com tipos ("typed lists")
  • CreateVar — a C gateway function which allows to create a new Scilab parameter
  • GetRhsVar — a C gateway function which allows to access an argument transmitted to a Scilab function
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with contributors
Last updated:
Thu Mar 03 11:00:37 CET 2011