Scilab 5.3.0
- Scilab Online Help
- Scilab
- Differential Equations, Integration
- Elementary Functions
- Linear Algebra
- Interpolation
- Polynomials
- Signal Processing
- Special Functions
- Randlib
- ARnoldi PACKage
- Statistics
- Sparses Matrix
- UMFPACK Interface
- Optimization and Simulation
- Genetic Algorithms
- Simulated Annealing
- Symbolic
- Files : Input/Output functions
- Input/Output functions
- Graphics Library
- Graphics : exporting and printing
- Data Structures
- Parameters
- Boolean
- Integers
- Strings
- Sound file handling
- Time and Date
- Output functions
- xcos
- Spreadsheet
- Shell
- Console
- Completion
- History manager
- Matlab binary files I/O
- Matlab to Scilab Conversion Tips
- Compatibility Functions
- Maple Interface
- Overloading
- Functions
- Development tools
- Demo Tools
- Dynamic/incremental Link
- Atoms
- Tcl/Tk Interface
- Text editor
- UI Data
- Online help management
- Parallel
- PVM parallel Toolbox
- Modules manager
- Localization
- API Scilab
- call_scilab API
- Java Interface
- Intersci
Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2024.1.0. This page might be outdated.
However, this page did not exist in the previous stable version.
PVM parallel Toolbox
- pvm — communications with other applications using Parallel Virutal Machine
- pvm_addhosts — add hosts to the virtual machine.
- pvm_barrier — blocks the calling process until all processes in a group have called it.
- pvm_bcast — broacasts a message to all members of a group
- pvm_bufinfo — Returns information about a message buffer.
- pvm_config — sends a message
- pvm_delhosts — deletes hosts from the virtual machine.
- pvm_error — Prints message describing an error returned by a PVM call
- pvm_exit — tells the local pvmd that this process is leaving PVM.
- pvm_f772sci — Convert a F77 complex into a complex scalar
- pvm_get_timer — Gets the system's notion of the current time.
- pvm_getinst — returns the instance number in a group of a PVM process.
- pvm_gettid — returns the tid of the process identified by a group name and instance number
- pvm_gsize — returns the number of members presently in the named group.
- pvm_halt — stops the PVM daemon
- pvm_joingroup — enrolls the calling process in a named group.
- pvm_kill — Terminates a specified PVM process.
- pvm_lvgroup — Unenrolls the calling process from a named group.
- pvm_mytid — returns the tid of the calling process.
- pvm_parent — tid of the process that spawned the calling process.
- pvm_probe — Check if message has arrived.
- pvm_recv — receive a message.
- pvm_reduce — Performs a reduce operation over members of the specified group
- pvm_sci2f77 — Convert complex scalar into F77
- pvm_send — immediately sends (or multicast) data.
- pvm_set_timer — Sets the system's notion of the current time.
- pvm_spawn — Starts new Scilab processes.
- pvm_spawn_independent — Starts new PVM processes.
- pvm_start — Start the PVM daemon
- pvm_tasks — information about the tasks running on the virtual machine.
- pvm_tidtohost — returns the host of the specified PVM process.
- pvmd3 — PVM daemon
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