Электронная таблица
- Timeseries/Table
- cell2table — convert a cell into a table
- detectImportOptions — structure containing all useful information to import the file
- groupcounts — returns the number of elements for each group
- groupsummary — create groups in table or timeseries and apply functions to variables within groups
- isregular — check if the time vector is regular
- matrix2table — convert a matrix into a table
- pivot — create a pivoted table providing a summary of data.
- readtable — create a table from a file
- readtimeseries — create a timeseries from a file
- retime — create a new timeserie on a new time basis
- rowfun — apply a function to each row of the table/timeseries
- struct2table — convert a struct into a table
- synchronize — synchronize several timeseries on the same time basis
- table — create a table from variables
- table2cell — convert a table into a cell
- table2matrix — convert a table into a matrix
- table2struct — convert a table into a struct
- table2timeseries — convert a table into a timeseries
- timeseries — create a timeseries - table with time as index
- timeseries2table — convert a timeseries into a table
- varfun — apply a function to each column of the table/timeseries
- writetable — write a table to file
- writetimeseries — write a timeseries to file
- csvDefault — Get or set defaults behavior for csv files.
- csvRead — Read comma-separated value file
- csvTextScan — Converts into a matrix texts representing separated values
- csvWrite — Write comma-separated value file
- read_csv — читает файл, содержащий значения, разделённые запятой (csv)
- readxls — читает Excel-файл
- write_csv — записывает файл, содержащий значения, разделённые запятой (csv)
- xls_open — открывает Excel-файл для чтения
- xls_read — читает листы в Excel-файле