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draw an axis


drawaxis([options]); // options: x,y,dir,sub_int,fontsize,format_n,seg,textcolor,ticscolor,tics
e = drawaxis([options]);



used to specify the tics direction. string can be chosen among 'u','r','d','l' and 'l' is the default value. the values 'u','r','d','l' stands respectively for up, right, down, left


A flag which describes how the tics are given. string can be chosen among 'v','r', and 'i', and, 'v' is the default value


two vectors which give tics positions.

val= string matrix

A string matrix, which, when given, gives the string to be drawn along the axis at tics positions.


specifies the fontsize to use for displaying values along the axis. Default value is -1 which stands for current fontsize


format to use for displaying numbers along the axis, where string gives the format according to the C language printf function format syntax (for example string="%.3f").

seg= 1 or 0

A flag which controls the display of the base segment of the axis (default value is 1).


an integer which gives the number of sub-intervals to draw between large tics.


specify the color to use for displaying values along the axis. Default value is -1 which stands for current color.


specify the color to use for tics drawing. Default value is -1 which stands for current color.


handle, the handle of the created axis.


drawaxis is used to draw an axis in vertical or horizontal direction. This function returns the handle of the created axis. The direction of the axis is given by dir dir = 'u' or 'd' gives a horizontal axis with tics going up ('u') or down ('d'). dir = 'r' or 'l' give a vertical axis with tics going right ('r') or left ('l').

x and y give the axis tics positions. If the axis is horizontal then y must be a scalar or can be omitted and x is a Scilab vector. The meaning of x is controlled by tics.

If tics='v' then x gives the tics positions along the x-axis.

If tics='r' then x must be of size 3. x=[xmin,xmax,n] and n gives the number of intervals.

If tics='i' then x must be of size 4, x=[k1,k2,a,n]. then xmin=k1*10^a, xmax=k2*10^a and n gives the number of intervals

If y is omitted then the axis will be positioned at the top of the frame if dir='u' or at the bottom if dir='d'

By default, numbers are drawn along the axis. They are drawn using a default format which can be changed with format_n. It is also possible to display given strings and not numbers, this is done if val is provided. The size of val must match the number of tics.


// horizontal axis
e = drawaxis(x=2:7,y=4,dir='u',tics='v')
// horizontal axis on top of the frame
// horizontal axis at the bottom of the frame
e = drawaxis(x=2:7,dir='d',tics='v')

// horizontal axis given by a range

// vertical axis
e = drawaxis(x=4,y=2:7,dir='r',tics='v')
e = drawaxis(x=2,y=[2,7,3],dir='l',tics='r')
e = drawaxis(y=2:7,dir='r',tics='v')
e = drawaxis(y=2:7,dir='l',tics='v')

// horizontal axis with strings displayed at tics positions
// vertical axis with strings displayed at tics positions

// horizontal axis given with a 'i' range.
e = drawaxis(x=[2,5,0,3],y=9,dir='u',tics='i');
e = drawaxis(x=9,y=[2,5,0,3],dir='r',tics='i',sub_int=5);

// horizontal axis again

See also

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Last updated:
Thu Oct 24 11:18:33 CEST 2024