create points in time
dt = datetime() dt = datetime(keyword) dt = datetime(datestr) dt = datetime(datestr, "InputFormat", infmt) dt = datetime(Y, M, D) dt = datetime(Y, M, D, H, m, S) dt = datetime(Y, M, D, H, m, S, MS) dt = datetime(x) dt = datetime(x, "ConvertFrom", depfmt) dt = datetime(..., "OutputFormat", outfmt)
- keyword
string with possible values:"now", "today", "yesterday" and "tomorrow"
- datestr
matrix of strings representing date and time (i.e: "2022-12-08 16:14:42").
- x
m-by-3 matrix, [Y, M, D] or m-by-6 matrix, [Y, M, D, H, m, S]
- Y, M, D, H, m, S, MS
year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond
those arguments can be real scalars or matrices of the same size.
- infmt
string, format of
.- depfmt
string, format of
.Possible values: 'datenum', 'excel', 'posixtime', 'yyyymmdd'
- outfmt
string, display format.
- dt
datetime object.
Create a datetime object representing points in time (dates and times in hours, minutes and seconds).
dt = datetime(Y, M, D) creates a datetime object based on Y, M, D (year, month, day).
dt = datetime(Y, M, D, H, m, S [, MS]) returns a datetime object based on Y, M, D, H, m, S and optionaly MS (year, month, day, hour, minute, second and millisecond).
dt = datetime(x) creates a column vector of datetime. x
can be:
m-by-3 matrix containing Y, M, D (year, month, day), one information per column.
m-by-6 matrix containing Y, M, D, H, MI, S (year, month, day, hour, minute and second), one information per column.
dt = datetime(keyword) creates a datetime object from keywords: 'now', 'today', 'yesterday', 'tomorrow'.
dt = datetime('now') or dt = datetime() returns the current date and time.
dt = datetime('today'|'yersterday'|'tomorrow') returns the current|previous|next date at midnight.
dt = datetime(datestr) creates a datetime object from formatted strings. By default, the accepted formats for strings are "yyyy-MM-dd", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss and "dd-MMM-yyyy", "dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss". If the format of datestr does not match the default formats, then dt = datetime(datestr, 'InputFormat', infmt) has to be used. For more details, see Format section below.
dt = datetime(x, 'ConvertFrom', depfmt) converts x to a datetime object.
specifies the format of x. The available values are:
'datenum': number of days since 0000-01-01.
'excel': number of days since 1900-01-01.
'posixtime': number of seconds since 1970-01-01.
'yyyymmdd': dates as YYYYMMDD values.
The default display format is yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss, but it is possible to change it by specifying the
datetime(..., 'OutputFormat', outfmt). For more details, see Format section below.
datetime([]) creates a 0x0 datetime object.
datetime("") creates a NaT datetime.
Input/Output Format
To specify your input/output format, you must use the following letters:
'yy', 'yyyy' is for year.
'M', 'MM', 'MMM', 'MMMM' is for month.
'MMM' corresponds to the first three letters of the month (for example, Dec for December).
'MMMM' must be used for the full month name.
Warning: the months must be in English.
'd' or 'dd' is for day.
'H' or 'HH' is for hour, 24 hours format.
'h' or 'hh' is for hour, 12 hours format.
With this format, you must add 'a' to specify 'AM'/'PM.
'mm' is for minutes.
'ss' or 'ss.SSS' is for second with or without millisecond.
'eee' or 'eeee' is for day of week.
'eee' corresponds to the first three letters of the day (for example, Mon for Monday).
'eeee' must be used for the full day name.
Warning: the days of week must be in English.
To separate each group, you can use '-', '/', '.', ..., space or tabulation.
No argument
dt = datetime()
Datetime with keyword
dt = datetime("yesterday") dt = datetime("today") dt = datetime("tomorrow")
Datetime with datestr - default formats: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss' or 'dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss'
If the format of datestr does not match with the default format, 'InputFormat' has to be specified.
// default formats managed by datetime dt = datetime("2022-09-01") dt = datetime("01-Sep-2022") dt = datetime("2022-09-01 09:53:30") dt = datetime("01-Sep-2022 09:53:30") dt = datetime(["2022-09-01" "2022-09-15"]) dt = datetime(["10-Apr-2022" "20-Aug-2022"]) dt = datetime(["2022-09-01 09:53:30"; "2022-09-01 11:46:15"]) dt = datetime(["01-Dec-2022 09:53:30"; "31-Dec-2022 23:59:59"]) // with "" dt = datetime(["01-Dec-2022 09:53:30"; ""; "31-Dec-2022 23:59:59"])
Datetime with InputFormat
dt = datetime("14.07.1789", "InputFormat", "dd.MM.yyyy") dt = datetime("14.07.1789 14:37:54.123", "InputFormat", "dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS") dt = datetime("14.07.1789 14:37", "InputFormat", "dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm") dt = datetime(["Wednesday, December 7, 2022 00:41 AM"], "InputFormat", "eeee, MMMM d, yyyy hh:mm a") dt = datetime(["01:23:45.678" "12:34:56.789" "23:45:01.234"], "InputFormat", "HH:mm:ss.SSS") dt = datetime("15:54:51", "InputFormat", "HH:mm:ss") dt = datetime("15:54", "InputFormat", "HH:mm") dt = datetime("2022-12-25 15:54:01.456", "InputFormat", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS")
Datetime with X
// X: matrix m-by-3 or m-b-6 dt = datetime([2022 9 1]) dt = datetime([2022 9 1; 2022 9 15]) dt = datetime([2022 12 1 9 53 30]) dt = datetime([2022 12 1 9 53 30; 2022 12 31 23 59 59])
Datetime with Y, M, D
dt = datetime(1789, 7, 14) dt = datetime([1789 2022], 7, 14) dt = datetime(2022,1:12, 1) dt = datetime(2022, 1, [1 14; 15 31]) dt = datetime([1990:5:2000]', 1, 1)
Datetime with Y, M, D, H, MI, S
dt = datetime(2010, 6, 14, 12, 47, 5) dt = datetime(2010, 6, 14, 12, 47:2:59, 5) dt = datetime([2010; 2020], 6, [14; 23], 12, 47, 5)
Datetime with Y, M, D, H, MI, S, MS
dt = datetime(2010, 6, 14, 12, 47, 5, 300) dt = datetime(2010, 6, 14, 12, 47:2:59, 5, 300) dt = datetime([2010; 2020], 6, [14; 23], 12, 47, 5, [300; 234])
Datetime with ConvertFrom
// With ConvertFrom dt = datetime(datenum(), "ConvertFrom", "datenum") dt = datetime(44819.3834418981, "ConvertFrom", "excel") dt = datetime(1663226303.936, "ConvertFrom", "posixtime") dt = datetime(20140402, "ConvertFrom", "yyyymmdd")
Datetime with OutputFormat
dt = datetime("2022-09-01", "OutputFormat", "dd MMMM yyyy") dt = datetime("2022-09-01", "OutputFormat", "eeee, dd MMMM yyyy") dt = datetime("2022-09-01", "OutputFormat", "MMMM d, yyyy") dt = datetime("2022-09-01", "OutputFormat", "dd/MM/yy") dt = datetime("2022-09-01 08:10", "OutputFormat", "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm") dt = datetime("2022-09-01 08:10", "OutputFormat", "eeee, dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm") dt = datetime("2022-09-01 08:10:30", "OutputFormat", "MMMM d, yyyy HH:mm:ss") dt = datetime("2022-09-01 00:41 AM", "OutputFormat", "dd/MM/yy hh:mm a")
Datetime with InputFormat and OutputFormat
dt = datetime("12 December 2022", "InputFormat", "dd MMMM yyyy", "OutputFormat", "MM/dd/yy") dt = datetime("12 December 2022 09:50 PM", "InputFormat", "dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm a", "OutputFormat", "MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss")
Extraction - Insertion - Computation
See also
- duration — create a duration - duration in hours, minutes and seconds
- calendarDuration — create a calendarDuration - duration in days, months and years
- NaT — Not a Time function used to create empty datetime
- isnat — check if a variable contains "Not a Time" values
Версия | Описание |
2024.0.0 | Introduction in Scilab. |
2024.1.0 | datetime() and datetime("now") handle milliseconds values. |
Report an issue | ||
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