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draws a vertical color bar


colorbar(umin, umax)
colorbar(umin, umax, colminmax)
colorbar(umin, umax, -1)
colorbar( , , [fmin fmax])
colorbar(.., Cformat)
h = colorbar(...)


  • Let U be the Z values of the plot for which a colorbar scale is needed, %inf, -%inf and %nan values being ignored.
  • Let minU and maxU be the minimum and the maximum of U values.
  • Let Nc be the Number of colors in the current color map: Nc = size(gcf().color_map,1).


U's lowest data value covered by the colorbar.

Using -%inf sets umin = min(U).

When underlaying plotted data exist in the current axes, umin may be skipped -- using colorbar(,..) -- in order to extract and implicitly use min(U).


U's biggest data value covered by the colorbar.

Using %inf sets umax = max(U).

When underlaying plotted data exist in the current axes, umax may be skipped -- using colorbar(.., ,..) -- in order to extract and implicitly use max(U).


implicit or explicit vector [colmin, colmax] specifying the range of colors that span on the colorbar, corresponding to the [umin, umax] chosen data bounds.

colmin and colmax are indices of colors in the current colormap, with 1 ≤ colmin < colmax ≤ Nc.

Default setting: [1,Nc]

The dollar $ symbol can be used, standing for Nc. For example, colminmax=[1 $/2] will use the first half of the colormap, and colminmax=[$/2+1, $] will use the second half.

Fractional bounds [fmin, fmax] may also be specified, as well as using the special value colminmax=-1. Please see the description section for more details.


word providing a C-format formatting the display of graduated values along the colorbar. The formatting syntaxes are described in the printf_conversion page.


This optional output contains a handle to the created colorbar Axes entity.


colorbar(…) draws a vertical color bar on the right side of the current axes. The width of the targetted axes is priorly narrowed by 15%. The freed room is used for the color bar, that is made of its own axes.

umin and umax set the data bounds scaling the color bar at its bottom and top.

colminmax set the color range mapping the [umin,umax] range, and used to fill the color bar.

When the current axes embeds an object of graphical type among {"Matplot" "Fec" "Fac3d" "Plot3d" "Grayplot" "Champ"} and its related U data, it is possible to skip umin or/and umax values. min(U) or/and max(U) are then retrieved from data and used to set the color bar. For a "Matplot" object, the case .image_type=="index" is specifically processed.

The possible syntaxes are the following:


sets umin=minU and umax=maxU.

  • For a Matplot.image_type="index", sets colminmax = [minU maxU].
  • Otherwise, sets colminmax = [1 Nc]

colorbar(umin, umax, , Format)

sets colminmax=[1, Nc].

colorbar(umin, umax, -1)

sets colmin and colmax such that "[colmin,colmax]/[1,Nc]" maps the "[umin,umax]/[minU,maxU]" "ratio".

colorbar(,, [colmin colmax])

with integers such that 1 ≤ colmin < colmax ≤ Nc or using $ standing for Nc. Conversely to the previous one, this syntax sets umin and umax such that "[umin,umax]/[minU,maxU]" maps "[colmin,colmax]/[1,Nc]".

colorbar(,, [fmin fmax])

with 0 ≤ fmin < fmax ≤ 1, uses actual colors bounds 1+[fmin fmax]*(Nc-1), and uses proportional umin and umax accordingly, such that the relative range "[umin umax]/[min(U) max(U]" maps "[fmin, fmax]".

colorbar(-%inf, %inf, ..)

sets umin = minU, umax = maxU. Each one may be set to the U bound independently.


Example #1

Without underlaying U data : Direct umin and umax specifications.

clf reset                           // clears and resets the figure
gcf().color_map = jet(100); // sets its color map

// Axes on the left
// ----------------
subplot(1,2,1)                      // Now the default current axes
ax0 = gca();                        //  is on the half left
ax0.axes_bounds(3)  //  Here is its initial width

// The axes is clear. There is no plotted data.
// We explicitely create a colorbar from scratch:
// colbar1 is the handle of the color bar, to postprocess and customize it.
colbar1 = colorbar(-2, 8, [1 100])    // It is inserted on the right

// The current (empty) axes is still the same:
gca() == ax0

// But its width has been shrunk (by -15%) to set the
// colorbar on its right side.

ylabel(colbar1, "Temperature [°C]") // Let's add a label
title("°C")                         // or as title
colbar1.title.font_size = 3;        // .. with a bigger font
// Beware: xlabel(), ylabel() title() moves the focus to the bar.
sca(ax0); // Reset the focus to ax0 before going on

// Now plot a frame in the empty axes:
plot2d([], [], 0, "011", " ", [0 0 1 1])

// Then add some other color bars, still for the current axes
cb = colorbar(-2, 5, [1 70])
// Set the labels in red
cb.font_color = color("red");

// The current axes is shrunk. The bar's width is decreased accordingly.

// axes on the right
// -----------------
plot2d([], [], 0, "011", " ", [0 0 1 1])

ax1 = gca();
// top half of the colormap, with another data scale:
colbar3 = colorbar(0, 1.5, [$/2+1 $])

// Color bar post-processing
//      decrease its font size:
set(colbar3, "fractional_font","on","font_size", 0.5);
//      vertically extend the bar, to match the axes height:
colbar3.axes_bounds([2 4]) = ax1.axes_bounds([2 4]);
colbar3.margins([3 4]) = ax1.margins([3 4]);
//      reverse its graduations top-down:
colbar3.axes_reverse(2) = "on";
//      put its graduations on the left side:
colbar3.y_location = "left";

// Color bars are automatically redrawn and regraduated
// when resizing the figure. Try it!

➞ Customized color bar style:

Example #2 : Matplot

After Matplot() here used with the default colormap.

clf reset   // Default colormap used
// 1) Matplot: implicit minU, maxU, colminmax = [umin umax]
Matplot([1 2 3; 4 5 7]);
colorbar   // [1 7] graduations covered by colors #[1 7].
           // Ticks on middles of colored blocks

// 2) Matplot: Default colminmax = [1 Nc]
Matplot([1 2 3;4 5 7]);
colorbar(1,7)   // [1 7] covered with the whole colormap.
                // "1" at the very bottom. "7" at the very top.

// 3) Matplot: another colors range, with explicit colminmax
Matplot([1 2 3;4 5 7])
colorbar(3,7, [3 7])
// Ticks 2.5-7.5 expected:
//  - integer values ticked at the middle of colors blocks
//  - other .5 values ticked at the blocks separations
Example #3: After Sgrayplot()

U data are available from the underlaying Fec object. Then umin and umax may be implicit. Here we use a small number of colors, showing that a given [umin umax] data range (here implicitly [-1, 1], is exactly covered by chosen colors.

x = linspace(0,1,81);
z = cos(2*%pi*x)'*sin(2*%pi*x);
n = 10;
gcf().color_map = jet(n);
Sgrayplot(x, x, z);
contour(x,x,z,[-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8]);
gce().children.children(1:2:$-1).foreground=-1; // contours in black

// Default umin = minU, umax = maxU, colminmax = [1 Nc]
// * "-1" tick at the very bottom of the scale
// * "1" tick at the very top
// * Nice subticks, at blocks middles & blocks limits
// * The contours levels must be at the right levels on the color bar

Partial colors range: 8 colors used over 20:

x = linspace(0,1,81);
z = cos(2*%pi*x)'*sin(2*%pi*x);
n = 8;
clf reset
gcf().color_map = jet(20);
gcf().axes_size = [770 320];

// 3.2) umin=minU and umax=maxU, covered by a subrange of colors
Sgrayplot(x, x, z,colminmax=[3 n+2]);
contour(x,x,z,[-0.75 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0.5 0.75]);
colorbar(-%inf,%inf,[3 n+2]);
// * The contours levels must be at the right levels on the color bar

// 3.3) Explicit umin and umax, with saturation for z values out of [umin, umax]:
Sgrayplot(x, x, z, zminmax = [-0.6 0.8], colminmax = [5 11]);
contour(x,x,z,[-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6]);
colorbar(-0.6, 0.8,[5 11]);
Example #4: for a Fac3d object

After plot3d1() or surf():

function [zz, zz1]=plotSphere()
    r = 0.3;
    orig = [1.5 0 0];
    [xx,yy,zz] = eval3dp(sph,linspace(-%pi/2,%pi/2,40),linspace(0,%pi*2,20));
    [xx1,yy1,zz1] = eval3dp(sph,linspace(-%pi/2,%pi/2,40),linspace(0,%pi*2,20));
    cc  = (xx+zz+2)*32;
    cc1 = (xx1-orig(1)+zz1/r+2)*32;
    plot3d1([xx xx1],[yy yy1],list([zz,zz1],[cc cc1]),theta=70,alpha=80,flag=[5,6,3])

clf reset
gcf().color_map = jet(120);  // 120 colors available
gcf().axes_size = [670, 560];

// For these 4 plots of a sphere of radius 0.3,
//  the color-value relationship is the same.

// 3.0) Implicit min(u), max(u), on the whole color map
colorbar;               // graduations on [-0.3 0.3]

// 3.1) Selection of a data range. Color range set accordingly
colorbar(0.0, 0.15, -1);// graduations on [0, 0.15]

// 3.2) Selection of a colormap interval. umin & umax set accordingly
colorbar(,,[60 120]);  // graduations on [0, 0.3]

// 3.3) Selection of the first half of the colormap. umin & umax set accordingly
colorbar(,,[1 $/2]);  // graduations on [-0.3, 0]

Example #5 : Plot3d object

After plot3d() or surf():

function plotSample()
    e = plot3d(t,t,sin(t)'*cos(t));
    e.color_flag = 1;
    e.color_mode = -2;

gcf().color_map = rainbow(200);
gcf().axes_size = [800 300];

// 5.1) Bar graduated from minU=-1 to maxU=1 with the full colormap

// 5.2) Consistent U/colors fractional selection (top 40%)
colorbar(,,[0.6 1]);

gcf().children([2 4]).rotation_angles = [55 45];

Example #6: Demo


See also

  • colormap — set and/or get a figure colormap.
  • Matplot — 2D plot of a matrix using colors
  • Sgrayplot — smooth 2D plot of a surface using colors
  • surf — 3D surface plot
  • champ — строит стрелками поле двумерных векторов
  • Cformat rules — mprintf, msprintf, mfprintf C-format specifications


  • colorbar() syntax added.
  • implicit umin or/and umax values can now be infered either from actual U data values, or from colminmax and the colormap size.
  • colminmax bounds can now be specified as fractions of the colormap size.
  • umin=-%inf and umax=%inf semantics are now available.
  • $ can be used in colminmax.
  • After calling colorbar(), gce() provides the color bar's handle.
2025.0.0 Function returns the created handle(s).
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Last updated:
Thu Oct 24 11:18:33 CEST 2024