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Jacobi elliptic functions


sn = ellipj(x, m)
[sn, cn] = ellipj(x, m)
[sn, cn, dn] = ellipj(x, m)
struc = ellipj(funames, x, m)


Array of real or complex numbers inside the fundamental rectangle defined by the elliptic integral.

Scalar decimal number in [0,1]: Parameter of the elliptic integral.

sn, cn, dn
Arrays of real or complex numbers, of the size of x: the x-element-wise values of the sn, cn and dn Jacobi elliptic functions.

vector of case-sensitive keywords among "cn", "dn", "sn", "nc", "nd", "ns": Name(s) of Jacobi elliptic functions whose values must be computed and returned.

Structure with fields named with the elements of funames.


If x is real, sn = ellipj(x, m) computes sn such that x = integral_0^{sn} du/sqrt{(1-u^2)(1-m.u^2)}

Then, if 0 ≤ x ≤ xM where xM is the position of the first sn maximum, we have x==delip(sn, sqrt(m)); if -xM ≤ x ≤ 0, we get x==-delip(-sn, sqrt(m)).

[sn,cn] = ellipj(x,m) and [sn,cn,dn] = ellipj(x,m) additionally compute cn = cos(am) and dn=(1-m.sn2)1/2, where am is the Jacobi elliptic amplitude function as computed with amell().

st = ellipj("dn", x, m) computes values of the dn Jacobi elliptic function for given x values, and returns them in the st.dn field.

Three other nc, nd, ns Jacobi elliptic functions can be computed and returned with this syntax, as nc = 1/cn, nd = 1/dn, and ns = 1/sn.

To compute values of all available Jacobi elliptic functions, we may use st = ellipj(["cn" "nc" "dn" "nd" "sn" "ns"], x, m).

Remark : for complex input numbers x, amell() is used to compute the elliptic amplitude separately of the real and imaginary parts of x. Then, addition formulae are used to compute the complex sn, cn etc [Tee, 1997].

The relative numerical accuracy on sn roughly goes as x * [1 to 50] * %eps. Therefore, numerical results for x > 1014 are not relevant.

ellipj(%inf, m) is set to NaN.


With some real input numbers:

sn = ellipj(0:0.5:2, 0.4)
delip(sn, sqrt(0.4))

[sn, cn, dn] = ellipj(-1:0.5:1.5, 0.4)
--> sn = ellipj(0:0.5:2, 0.4)
 sn  =
   0.   0.4724822   0.8109471   0.9767495   0.9850902

--> delip(sn, sqrt(0.4))
 ans  =
   0.   0.5   1.   1.5   1.5550387

--> [sn, cn, dn] = ellipj(-1:0.5:1.5, 0.4)
 sn  =
  -0.8109471  -0.4724822   0.   0.4724822   0.8109471   0.9767495

 cn  =
   0.5851194   0.8813402   1.   0.8813402   0.5851194   0.2143837

 dn  =
   0.8584555   0.9543082   1.   0.9543082   0.8584555   0.786374

// Input data
x = linspace(-6,6,300)';
m = [0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.9];
f = ["sn" "dn" "cn" "nd"];

// Computation
st = struct();
for i = 1:length(m)
    st(i) = ellipj(f,x,m(i));

// Plot
for i = 1:size(f,"*")
    y = matrix(list2vec(st(f(i))), -1, length(m));
    plot2d(x, y,[1 14 28 18 6])
    title(f(i), "fontsize",4)

legend(gca(), msprintf("m =%4.1f\n",m'),1, %f);
lg = gce();
lg.legend_location = "by_coordinates";
lg.position = [-0.095 -0.08];

With some complex input numbers:

x = linspace(-6,6,300)';
m = 0.1:0.1:0.9;
sn = [];
for i = 1:length(m)
    sn(:,i) = ellipj(x+1.4*%i, m(i));

plot2d(imag(sn), real(sn))
title("sn(-6:6 + 1.4i)", "fontsize",4)
xlabel("imag(sn)", "fontsize",2);
ylabel("real(sn)", "fontsize",2);
gca().data_bounds(1:2) = [-5 5];
gca().tight_limits(1) = "on";
legend(gca(), msprintf("m =%4.1f\n",m'),"out_upper_right");

See also

  • amell — função "am" de Jacobi
  • delip — Integral elíptica
  • %k — Jacobi's complete elliptic integral of the first kind (vectorized)
  • Tee, Garry J.: Continuous branches of inverses of the 12 Jacobi elliptic functions for real argument”. 1997


6.1.0 ellipj() introduced.
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Last updated:
Thu Oct 24 11:16:52 CEST 2024