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Time and Date

  • caldayscreate a calendarDuration in days
  • calendarカレンダー
  • calendarDurationcreate a calendarDuration - duration in days, months and years
  • clockReturn the current Gregorian datetime and international time zone of the computer's clock
  • date現在の日付を日付文字列として得る
  • datenumシリアル日付番号に変換する
  • datetimecreate points in time
  • datevec日付の要素
  • durationcreate a duration - duration in hours, minutes and seconds
  • eomday月の最後の日を返す
  • etime経過時間
  • getdateCurrent datetime or POSIX timestamp from computer's clock. Datetimes from given timestamps
  • hoursconvert reals in hours (duration)
  • isnatcheck if a variable contains "Not a Time" values
  • NaTNot a Time function used to create empty datetime
  • now現在の日付と時間を返す
  • realtimeinit時間の単位を設定
  • sleepsuspend all code executions (console, scripts, callbacks,..)
  • ticストップウォッチタイマーを開始
  • timerCPU時間
  • tocストップウォッチタイマーを読む
  • weekdayDay's index and name in its week for given dates
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Last updated:
Thu Oct 24 11:17:42 CEST 2024