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  • random
    • grand乱数生成器
    • prbs_aGenerates a pseudo random binary sequence
    • rand乱数生成
    • sample置換を有する標本化
    • samplef母集団からの置換を有する標本化および その値の頻度.
    • samwr置換を行わない標本化
  • blockdiagCreates a block diagonal matrix from provided arrays. Block diagonal system connection.
  • diag対角行列の構築または展開
  • empty []empty matrix. Array ranges destructor.
  • eye単位行列
  • frankFrank matrix
  • hilbmHilbert matrix
  • invhilbInverse of the Hilbert matrix
  • linspacegenerates linearly spaced numbers between 2 reached bounds
  • logspace対数的間隔のベクトル
  • magicMagic square
  • meshgridCreate matrices or 3-D arrays from vectors replicated in 2 or 3 dimensions
  • ndgridbuild matrices or N-D arrays by replicating some template vectors
  • ones要素が1の行列
  • permsGenerate the table of permutations of given elements
  • repmatReplicate and tile an array
  • squarewave周期 2*%piの矩形波を生成
  • testmatrixgenerate special matrices, such as Hilbert, Frank
  • toeplitzToeplitz matrix (chosen constant diagonal bands)
  • vanderVandermonde matrix
  • zerosゼロからなる行列
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Last updated:
Thu Oct 24 11:17:40 CEST 2024