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keyword to check function arguments

Arguments block must be the expression in the function.


    argName1 (dimensions) datatype {validators} = defaultValue


argName1, ... argNameN

Name of the arguments from function protoptype.

All input arguments must be declared in arguments block and in the same order.


Expected (i, j, ...) dimensions for an input argument like (2, 3, 4). Must be a list of integer values or : or input variable name.

Matrix form (4, [3 6 10]) can be used to except size of 4 x 3 or 4 x 6 or 4 x 10.

If input argument is a scalar and expected dimensions are bigger, input argument will be expand to match the expected dimensions.

If expected dimensions is a vector (1xn or nx1) and input argument is a vector, input will be transposed to match expected form.


Expected datatype of input arguments. Inputs must be of datatype or convertable to this type.

datatype can be double, (u)int(8/16/32/64), boolean, string.


List of predefined functions used to check input validity.

Each validator must be validate to accept the input.

List of validators


If an input is not given by caller, variable will take this value.

All variables with default value must be at the end of the prototype.


function test(x, y)
        x (1, 10) double {mustBeReal, mustBePositive}
        y double = 1

    disp(x, y)
a = 1:10;
test(a) //y == 1 its default value
test(a') //x will be transposed to match 1 x 10 dimensions, y == 1
test(42, 2) //x become a(ones(1, 10)) and y == 2
test() //x is required
test(a, list(1)) // a list cannot be convert to a double
test(0:9) // x must be > 0

See also


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Last updated:
Thu Oct 24 11:17:38 CEST 2024