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diary of session


[id,filename] = diary(filename, ['new'|'append'])

[ids, filenames] = diary()
[ids, filenames] = diary([], 'list')

diary([], 'close')
diary(filename, 'close')
diary(id, 'close')

diary([], 'pause'|'off')
diary(filename, 'pause'|'off')
diary(id, 'pause'|'off')

diary([], 'resume'|'on')
diary(filename, 'resume'|'on')
diary(id, 'resume'|'on')

diary(filenames, 'exists')
diary(ids, 'exists')

diary(filename, 'new'|'append', 'prefix=YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss')
diary(filename, 'new'|'append', 'prefix=U')
diary(filename, 'new'|'append', [ 'prefix=YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss' ; 'prefix-only-commands' ] );



a character string, give the full file name path.


a scalar to identify a diary.


diary(f)function creates a log of keyboard input and the resulting text output.

Start a diary session

[id, filename] = diary(filename, ['new'|'append'])

returns :

* id : a positive integer (>= 1) which is the diary session identifier.

* filename : A string, the absolute path of the effective written file.

The first input argument is a string that contain the path of the diary file. This can be a relative path or an absolute path.

The 2nd input argument controls if a new file is created ('new') or if diary() adds new content at the end of the file ('append'). If the 2nd input argument is not present, the default value is 'new'.

When diary() is called with 'new' mode : If 'filename' already exists and is not empty, an effective filename 'base(filemane)+_#+extension(filename)' is built, used, and returned by diary(filename) as a second output argument (beside id). The rank # would be set as the smallest integer for which the resultant filename does not yet exists.

List diary sessions

[ids, filenames] = diary()

[ids, filenames] = diary([],'list')

returns a column vector of integer : identifiers list of opened diary sessions. a column vector of strings : absolute paths of the files associated with opened diary sessions.

Close diary session(s)





The first and second syntaxes close all opened diary sessions.

The third syntax closes diary session(s) identified by 'filename'.

The fourth syntax closes the diary session identified by “id” which is a positive integer or a vector of positive integers.

Remark : diary(0) is retained as backwards compatibility.

Pause/Resume diary session(s)

diary([] ,'pause'|'off')


diary(id ,'pause'|'off')

The first syntax suspends all opened diary sessions.

The second syntax suspend diary session(s) identified by 'filename'. 'filename' can be a single string or a character string array.

The third syntax suspend the diary session identified by 'id' which is a positive integer or a vector of positive integers.

diary([] ,'resume'|'on')


diary(id ,'resume'|'on')

The first syntax resume all opened diary sessions.

The second syntax resume diary session(s) identified by 'filename'. 'filename' can be a single string or a character string array.

The third syntax resume the diary session identified by 'id' which is a positive integer or a vector of positive integers.

Does a diary session exists ?



return true if a diary session is currently opened with the file 'filename', if not false.

Diary and time-stamp

diary(filename,'new','prefix=YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss')


diary(filename,'new',[ 'prefix=YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss' ; 'prefix-only-commands' ] );

'prefix=YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss' add date & hour

'prefix=U' add UNIX time epoch

'prefix-only-commands' add time-stamp only as prefix for commands

Filtering diary

diary(filename,”new”,”filter=command”)Log only the input commands.

diary(filename,”new”,”filter=output”)Log only the text output.


d1 = diary(TMPDIR + '/diary1.txt')
d2 = diary(TMPDIR + '/diary2.txt')

// some Scilab instructions …

// returns infos about opened diary
[ids, filenames]  = diary()

// close diary d1
[ids, filenames]  = diary()

// close diary d2
diary(TMPDIR + '/diary2.txt')
[ids, filenames]  = diary()
// closes all diary
[ids, filenames]  = diary()
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Copyright (c) 2011-2017 (Scilab Enterprises)
Copyright (c) 1989-2012 (INRIA)
Copyright (c) 1989-2007 (ENPC)
with contributors
Last updated:
Thu Oct 24 11:16:04 CEST 2024