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Displays a tree view of a list, tlist, mlist, cell or structure array, Xcos block


tree_show(x, rootTitle)
tree_show(x, rootTitle, styles)
tree_show(x, rootTitle, styles, arrayByFields)



Container to display. Supported containers: list, mlist, tlist, array of cells, array of structures, identifier of an Xcos block. Other containers may be nested in x.


Single string: explicit label of the tree's root, for instance the name of the x variable in the calling environment. Default = "".

HTML.4 styling tags can be used to change the style of the root's title. Example: "<html><font color="red"><b>The title</b>" will display The title in bold red.

Single string = HTML.4 styling tag, including the "$" character that will be replaced with the address (fields names, lists indices..) of each data.

The styles option can be used to customize the style either of addresses, or of related contents, or both. Examples:

  • "<b>$</b>" : address in bold, content in normal black.
  • "$<i>" : address in normal black, content in italic.
  • "<i>$" : both address and content in italic.
  • "<font color=''grey''>$</font><i>" : address in grey, content in italic.

Default = "<font color=""blue"">$</font>" (address in blue, content in black).

Setting "" removes styling.


Single boolean, used only for arrays of structures:

%T : For each field of the struct, the array of its values is displayed.
%F : For each structure of the array, its fields and their values are displayed.

The chosen display mode is used as well for every nested array of structures, at any depths.


Creates a window and displays a tree view of the given container.

The window has no handle.


list(), including a cells array :

films = struct("Title", "A.I. Artificial Intelligence",..
               "Year", 2001, ..
               "Director", "Steven Spielberg", ..
               "Duration", 140);
L = list([%t %f %f],                ..
         $:-1:3,                    ..
         int8([1 2 3 ; 4 5 6]),     ..
         [-%inf, -1, 0, %i, 7.1, 3.3e20, %inf, %nan], ..
         sparse([0 1 2; 3 0 4]),    ..
         ["This" "is" "some" "text"], ..
         ,              ..
         sin,           ..
         logspace,      ..
         iolib,         ..
         {%pi, "abcd" ;
          list(,)(1),(%i-%s)^3},    ..
          {},           ..

Using the rootTitle and styles options :

// Data to display:
clear films
films(1) = struct("Title", "A.I. Artificial Intelligence",..
                  "Year", 2001, ..
                  "Director", "Steven Spielberg", ..
                  "Duration", 140);
films(2,2) = struct("Title", "I, robot", ..
                    "Year", 2004, ..
                    "Director", "Alex Proyas", ..
                    "Duration", 120);

// Styling both the addresses and the contents:
mainTitle = "<html><b>Films (A)</b>";
tree_show(films, mainTitle , "<font color=""red"">$</font><i>");

// Styling only the contents:
mainTitle = "<html><b>Films (B)</b>";
tree_show(films([1 4]), mainTitle, "$<font color=""green"">", %t);

Array of structures :

clear films
films(1) = struct("Title", "A.I. Artificial Intelligence",..
              "Year", 2001, ..
              "Director", "Steven Spielberg", ..
              "Duration", 140);
films(2) = struct("Title", "I, robot", ..
              "Year", 2004, ..
              "Director", "Alex Proyas", ..
              "Duration", 120);
films(1,2) = struct("Title", "Gravity", ..
                "Year", 2013, ..
                "Director", "Alfonso Cuarón", ..
                "Duration", 100);
films(2,2) = struct("Title", "2001: A space odyssey", ..
                "Year", 1968, ..
                "Director", "Stanley Kubrick", ..
                "Duration", 141);

tree_show(films(:),"Films (I)");
tree_show(films   ,"Films (II)");
tree_show(films(:),"Films (III)", , %t);
tree_show(films   ,"Films (IV)" , , %t);
2x2 struct array with fields:

With a custom tlist or mlist :

// For a mlist:
str = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h'];
n = matrix(str, [2,2,2]);
v = matrix(1:8, [2,2,2]);
Mm = mlist(['V','name','value'],n,v);

// For a tlist:
Mt = tlist(['V','name','value'],['a','b','c'],[1 2 3]);

For an Xcos block :


blk = BIGSOM_f("define");

See Also

  • uiDisplayTree — Printing an uitree in GUI mode
  • uiDumpTree — Printing an uitree in the console (text mode)
  • prettyprint — Converts a Scilab object into some corresponding LaTeX, TeX, MathML or HTML strings
  • editvar — Scilab variable editor
  • browsevar — Scilab variable browser


  • rootTitle, styles, and arrayByFields input options added.
  • Input containers including void elements are now supported.
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Last updated:
Thu Oct 24 11:13:10 CEST 2024