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2025.0.0 - English


Specifying a user events function


... = solver( ... , events = evFn)
... = solver( ... , events = evFn, nbEvents = nb)
... = solver( ... , events = evFn, nbEvents = nb, evDir = dir)
... = solver( ... , events = evFn, nbEvents = nb, evDir = dir, evTerm = term)



A Scilab function, a list, a string.


The size of the vector yielded by the DLL entrypoint when evFn is a string.


Two vectors of length nb, when evFn is a string


While integrating an ODE or a DAE, the solver can also find the roots of a set of nb user-defined functions that depend both on t and on the solution vector y (and also y' for a DAE). The number of these roots or event functions is arbitrary, and if more than one function is found to have a root in any given interval, the various root locations are found and reported in the order that they occur on the t axis, in the direction of integration. The syntax

[t,y,info] = solver(...,  events = evFn)
sol = solver(...,  events = evFn)

for an ODE or a DAE, allows to recover the event locations and the vanishing function(s) in the respective fields te,ye,ype,ie of the output arguments info or sol. Field te is a vector giving the time of events, ye an array with solution at each event time (ype gives the derivative of the solution in the case of a DAE) and ie is a matrix with as many lines as the number of event functions and as many columns of events having occurred. Typically,j) will be 1 or -1 when event function i vanishes at time info.te(j) with corresponding sign of its derivative (two event functions can vanish at the same time). General information about the different ways of providing a user function (and eventual user parameters) is given in the User Functions help page.

Event function given as a Scilab function

In that case evFn is a Scilab function with prototype

[eq,term,dir] = evFn(t,y,...)
[eq,term,dir] = evFn(t,y,yp,...)

for an ODE or a DAE, respectively, where eq(i) = 0 when event i occurs. The two other optional outputs term,dir, if present, will be used only at solver initialization. The vector term is a boolean vector, with term(i) = 1 if integration has to be stopped when event i occurs. Vector dir allows to select event direction, where term(i) can take the values -1,1 if solution has to be decreasing or increasing or 0 if direction does not matter. If the corresponding behavior does not matter, dir or both term,dir outputs can be omitted in the function prototype.

For example, in order to find all points in [0,10] where the solution of Van Der Pol equation veryfies y(t)=1, we use the following code:

function eq=g1(t, v)
    eq = v(1)-1;
function [eq, term, dir]=g2(t, v)
    dir = -1;
    term = 1;
    eq = v(1)-1;
[t, v, info] = cvode(%SUN_vdp1, [0 10], [0; 2], events = g1);
[t, v, info] = cvode(%SUN_vdp1, [0 10], [0; 2], events = g2);

In this other example, we find the time and value of the maximum of y_2 in SIR model by finding the time when y_2 vanishes:

function eq=g(t, y, yp)
    eq = yp(2)
y0 = [1-1e-6;1e-6;0];
yp0 = [-2e-7;1.5e-7;5e-8];
[t, y, info] = ida(%SUN_sir, [0,200], y0, yp0, events=g);
plot(t, y, info.te,,'or')
xstring(info.te,, msprintf("t=%g, y=%g", info.te,

Event function given as a SUNDIALS DLL entrypoint

In that case evFn must have the C prototype

int sunEvent(realtype t, N_Vector Y, realtype *gout, void *user_data)
int sunEvent(realtype t, N_Vector Y, N_Vector Yp, realtype *gout, void *user_data)

for an ODE or a DAE, respectively. When calling the solver the option nEvents must be set in order to define the number of events. If the direction of the events have to be set or if some events should terminate the solver iterations, the evDir and evTerm can be used and the values of dir and term follow the same convention as when evFn is a Scilab function. See the examples below (Van Der Pol ODE and SIR model DAE):

    "#include <nvector/nvector_serial.h>"
    "int sunEvent(realtype t, N_Vector Y, realtype* gout, void* user_data)"
    "{ "
    "double *y = NV_DATA_S(Y);"
    "gout[0] = y[0]-1.7;"
    "return 0;"
mputl(code,"code.c"); //create the C file
SUN_Clink("sunEvent","code.c",load=%t); // compile and link
[t, y, info1] = cvode(%SUN_vdp1,[0 10],[2;1], nbEvents=1, events="sunEvent");
[t, y, info2] = cvode(%SUN_vdp1,[0 10],[2;1], nbEvents=1, events="sunEvent", evDir=-1);
[t, y, info3] = cvode(%SUN_vdp1,[0 10],[2;1], nbEvents=1, events="sunEvent", evDir=-1, evTerm=1);

    "#include <nvector/nvector_serial.h>"
    "int sunEvent(realtype t, N_Vector Y, N_Vector Yd, realtype* gout, void* user_data)"
    "{ "
    "double *yd = NV_DATA_S(Yd);"
    "gout[0] = yd[1];"
    "return 0;"
mputl(code,"code.c"); //create the C file
SUN_Clink("sunEvent","code.c",load=%t); // compile and link
y0 = [1-1e-6;1e-6;0];
yp0 = [-2e-7;1.5e-7;5e-8];
[t, y, info] = ida(%SUN_sir, [0,200], y0, yp0, events="sunEvent", nbEvents=1);
disp(info.te, info.ype)

See also

  • arkode — SUNDIALS ordinary differential equation additive Runge-Kutta solver
  • cvode — SUNDIALS ordinary differential equation solver
  • ida — SUNDIALS differential-algebraic equation solver
  • User functions — Coding user functions used by SUNDIALS solvers
  • Options (ODE and DAE solvers) — Changing the default behavior of solver
  • SUN_Clink — Compiling and linking a C user function
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Last updated:
Thu Oct 24 11:13:06 CEST 2024