This routine resets the properties of the axes's model to their factory values.
is equivalent to set(gda(),"default_values",1)

x=[0:0.1:2*%pi]'; f=get("default_figure"); // get the handle of the model figure a=get("default_axes"); // get the handle of the model axes // setting its' properties f.figure_size=[1200 900]; f.figure_position=[0 0]; a.background=4;"off"; a.foreground=5; a.labels_font_color=25; a.labels_font_size=4; a.sub_tics=[7 3]; a.x_location="middle"; a.y_location="middle"; a.tight_limits="on"; a.thickness=2; a.grid=[-1 24]; subplot(221); plot2d(x-2,sin(x)) subplot(222); plot2d(x-6,[2*cos(x)+.7 2*cos(x)+.9 cos(2*x) .2+sin(3*x)],[-1,-2,-3 -4]) sda() // return to the default values of the axes' model subplot(223); plot2d(x-2,sin(x)) subplot(224); plot2d(x-6,[2*cos(x)+.7 2*cos(x)+.9 cos(2*x) .2+sin(3*x)],[-1,-2,-3 -4]) close(0) plot2d(x-2,sin(x))
See also
- sdf — reSets the properties of the Default Figure to their factory values
- gda — Return handle of default axes.
- gdf — Return handle of default figure.
- set — set properties of some graphic objects or uimenus or uicontrol interactive components
- graphics_entities — description of the graphics entities data structures
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