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plots a single curve in a 3D cartesian frame


plots a set of curves in a 3D cartesian frame. 1D mesh plot


param3d(x, y, z)
param3d(x, y, z, [theta, alpha, leg, flag, ebox])
h = param3d(...)
param3d // demo

param3d1(X, Y, Z)
param3d1(X, Y, list(Z, styles))
param3d1(.., [theta, alpha, leg, flag, ebox])
h = param3d1(...)
param3d1 // demo


x, y, z

3 vectors of the same length: cartesian coordinates of the curve's points.

X, Y, Z

matrices of the same size (nl,nc). Each column #i of the matrices provides the coordinates of the points for the ith curve.


vector of nc=size(Z,"c") integers specifying the style -- line color or mark style -- of each curve. When it is specified, it must be bundled with Z into a list, using list(Z, styles).

By default, lines are drawn with colors indexed from 1 to nc in the current color map, without mark.

If styles(i)<0, the curve #i is plotted only with marks of style #|styles(i)|, without line.

Otherwise (styles(i)>0), the curve #i is rendered as a solid line of color #styles(i), without marks.


Azimuth angle of the (OP) observation point, around the (OZ+) axis, in degrees. Default = 45°.


Polar angle of the (OP) observation point to the north pole (Oz+), in degrees, from 0 to 180. Default = 35°.


single string setting the labels for the 3 axes. "@" is used as a labels separator. Default = "X@Y@Z"

flag = [type, box]

type and box have the same meaning as in plot3d:


Sets the axes scaling and bounding modes. Default = 2.

type gca().isoview data bounds
0 off [0,1, 0,1, -1,1]
1 off in ebox
2 off from data points
3 on in ebox
4 on from data points
5 on in ebox
6 on from data points

Isometrical modes are rendered with gca().cube_scaling="off".

an integer controlling the display of the axes frame (default = 4).

Value Displayed axes Axes legends gca().box gca().axes_visible
0 none. No frame. yes "off" "off"
1 not implemented. Like 0. Please use 0.
2 only axes lines on the back NO "hidden_axes" "off"
3 full ungraduated box yes "on" "off"
4 full box + 3 graduated axes yes "on" "on"


Vector [xmin,xmax, ymin,ymax, zmin,zmax] of axes bounds, used and assigned to gca().data_bounds when the flag option is used with the type=1|3|5. By default set to [0,1, 0,1, 0,1].


This optional output contains a handle to a Polyline entity or a Compound Entity whose children are the created Polyline objects. Use h to modify properties of a specific or all Polyline objects after they are created. For a list of properties, see polyline_properties.


param3d() is used to plot a single 3D curve defined by its coordinates x, y and z.

The curve is an object of polyline type. When it is given the optional output argument h returns the curves entities, from which all the curves properties may be changed: color, line style, thickness, mark style and colors, etc.

h = param3d1() is used to plot a set of 3D curves, all having the same number of points. When it is given, the optional argument h returns the Compound of curves entities.

The handle of curve #i is h.children($-i+1).


t = 0:0.1:5*%pi;
r = (max(t)-t)/10;

curve = param3d(r.*sin(t), r.*cos(t), t/10, 30, 72,"X@Y@Z",[4,4])

curve.mark_mode = "on";
curve.mark_style = 10;
curve.mark_foreground = color("magenta");

box parameter illustrated with param3d1() used for a single curve :

t = (0:0.1:5*%pi)';
r = (max(t)-t)/10;
x = r.*sin(t); y = r.*cos(t); z = list(t/10, color("orange"));
Box = [0 2 3 4];

for i = 1:4
   param3d1(x, y, z, 31, 72,"X legend@Y legend@Z legend",[4, Box(i)])
   title(msprintf("box = %d",Box(i)), "fontsize", 4)
gcf().children.children.thickness = 2; // for the 4 curves in a once
gca().sub_ticks = [4 4 4];             // only for the last axes

param3d1() used for an actual set of curves:

[X, Y] = ndgrid(-11:0.5:9);
R = sqrt(X.*X + Y.*Y) + %eps;
Z = sin(R)./R;

param3d1(X, Y, Z, 150, 85, flag=[2,4])

e=param3d1(X, Y, Z, 150, 85, flag=[2,4])
e.foreground = color("green");

curves=param3d1(X, Y, Z, 150, 85, flag=[2,4])
curves(1:2:$).foreground = color("orange");
gca().box = "back_half";

gcf().children.foreground = color("grey70"); // box & ticks color for the 3 figures

[X, Y] = ndgrid(-11:0.5:9, -7:0.5:6); // x is the long side, y the short one
// => X has constant rows. Y has constant columns


// Meshing lines at constant Y values
subplot(1, 3, 1)
R = sqrt(X.*X + Y.*Y) + %eps;
Z = sin(R)./R;
param3d1(X, Y, Z, 150, 85, flag=[2,4])

// Meshing lines at constant X values, with transposed X and Y:
subplot(1, 3, 2)
R = sqrt(X'.*X' + Y'.*Y') + %eps;
Z = sin(R)./R;
param3d1(X', Y', Z, 150, 85, flag=[2,4])

// With a curtain and filled curves to avoid messed overlaying parts
subplot(1, 3, 3)
[Xo, Yo] = ndgrid(-10:0.5:10);
R = sqrt(Xo.*Xo + Yo.*Yo) + %eps;
Zo = sin(R)./R;
    // we add the curtain on starting and ending sides
nc = size(Xo,"c");
zmin = min(Zo);
X = [Xo(1,:) ; Xo ; Xo($,:)];
Y = [Yo(1,:) ; Yo ; Yo($,:)];
Z = [zmin*ones(1,nc) ; Zo ; zmin*ones(1,nc)];
    // Rendering
e=param3d1(X, Y, Z, 150, 85, flag=[2,4])
e.fill_mode = "on";

// grey box for all axes:
gcf().children.foreground = color("grey70");

See also


2025.0.0 Function returns the created handle(s).
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Last updated:
Thu Oct 24 11:13:10 CEST 2024