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list of main standard errors messages


This page gives a non-exhaustive list of the main standard predefined error messages used in Scilab itself. These messages can be used in external codes as well.

Whatever is the current Scilab session language, the english version of a message is used as message identifier by the gettext() translation system. The listed messages are used in Scilab itself.

Please avoid using double-quotes " inside messages: single quotes ' must be used or prefered instead.

A message may include some tags starting with the "%" symbol. These tags follow a C-like syntax (see printf() conversion rules). They aim to be replaced with custom contents, in order to customize the standard with local data, thanks to msprintf. To include a true "%" character in such a message, use "%%".

Standard messages must start with "%s" and end with "\n". The heading "%s" will be replaced with the name of the function in which the error occurs.

Checking arguments numbers

Input arguments:

"%s: Wrong number of input arguments.\n"
"%s: Wrong number of input arguments: %d expected.\n"
"%s: Wrong number of input arguments: %d or %d expected.\n"
"%s: Wrong number of input arguments: %d to %d expected.\n"
"%s: Wrong number of input arguments: At least %d expected.\n"
"%s: Wrong number of input arguments: At most %d expected.\n"

Ouput arguments:

"%s: Wrong number of output arguments: %d expected.\n"
"%s: Wrong number of output arguments: %d to %d expected.\n"

Checking container and content types

Wrong content type:

"%s: Argument #%d: Boolean(s) expected.\n"

"%s: Argument #%d: Encoded integer expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Encoded integer of type (%s) expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Integer expected.\n"         // integer-encoded or decimal-encoded
"%s: Argument #%d: Decimal integer expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Decimal number expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Decimal or complex number expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Complex number expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Complex number not supported.\n"

"%s: Argument #%d: Polynomial expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Rational fraction expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Polynomial or rational expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Real polynomial expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Real rational expected.\n"

"%s: Argument #%d: Text(s) expected.\n"

"%s: Argument #%d: Graphic handle expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Graphic handle of type ''%s'' expected.\n"

"%s: Argument #%d: Function expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Transfer function expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Linear state space expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: %s expected.\n"

"%s: Type %s is not implemented.\n"

Wrong container:

"%s: Argument #%d: List expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Cell expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Structure expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: M-list expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: T-list of type %s expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: %s expected.\n"

Wrong encoding:

"%s: Argument #%d: Sparse matrix expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Dense matrix expected.\n"

Checking container's dimension and sizes

Dimensions / sizes / shape of the container:

  • "array" applies to Cells and Structures
  • "Scalar", "Row", "Column" apply to matrices as well as to other arrays (Cells and Structures)

"%s: Argument #%d: Non-empty matrix expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Empty matrix expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Scalar (1 element) expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Row expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Column expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Vector expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Row with %d elements expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Column with %d elements expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Vector with %d elements expected.\n"

"%s: Argument #%d: Matrix expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Square matrix expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: %d-by-%d matrix expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Matrix with %d rows expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Matrix with %d columns expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Matrix with %s rows expected.\n"    // %s is more general ; it could be used for a range
"%s: Argument #%d: Matrix with %s columns expected.\n" // idem
"%s: Argument #%d: 2D-array expected.\n"

"%s: Argument #%d: Hypermatrix expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: %dD hypermatrix expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: %dD array expected.\n"

"%s: Argument #%d: %d-element list expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: List of %d to %d elements expected.\n"

"%s: Argument #%d: %s expected.\n"
"%s: Implicit size not supported.\n"
"%s: Hypermatrix not supported.\n"


"%s: Argument #%d: string length %s %d characters expected.\n" // '='|'>'|'>='|'<' ...etc

Checking values

Wrong values:

"%s: Argument #%d: Must be in the interval [%s, %s].\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Must be in the interval [%d, %d].\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Must be in the interval %s.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Must be < %d.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Must be > %d.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Must be <= %d.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Must be >= %d.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Inf value forbidden.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Nan value forbidden.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Inf and Nan values forbidden.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: ''%s'' expected .\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Must be in the set {%s}.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Non-negative integers expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Elements must be in increasing order.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Elements must be in decreasing order.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Elements must be in strictly increasing order.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Elements must be in strictly decreasing order.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: An integer value expected.\n"

"%s: Argument #%d: Unknown or unexpected property name ''%s''.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Wrong type of graphic handle: ''%s'' expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: The %s handle is no longer valid.\n"  // Graphic, XML, lu etc handles
"%s: Argument #%d: Wrong color specification.\n"

Note that the error message for intervals is special: any type of interval like [#, #], (#, #], [#, #), (#, #) (-oo, #], [#, oo), etc can be conveniently specified within the same generic message. Bounds formatting and replacement must be performed with msprintf(..)

Inter-Arguments constrains checking:

"%s: Arguments #%d and #%d: Incompatible sizes.\n"
"%s: Arguments #%d and #%d: Same sizes expected.\n"
"%s: Arguments #%d and #%d: Same numbers of columns expected.\n"
"%s: Arguments #%d and #%d: Same numbers of rows expected.\n"
"%s: Arguments #%d and #%d: Same numbers of elements expected.\n"
"%s: Arguments #%d and #%d: Same types expected.\n"
"%s: Arguments #%d and #%d: Same formal variable expected.\n"  // polynomials and rationals

Files, directories

"%s: Cannot open file ''%s''.\n"
"%s: The file ''%s'' does not exist.\n"
"%s: File ''%s'': Read access denied.\n"
"%s: File ''%s'' already exists or directory write access denied.\n"
"%s: Error while copying the file ''%s'' to the directory ''%s''.\n"
"%s: The file ''%s'' cannot be written.\n"
"%s: The file ''%s'' is not well formated at line %d\n"
"%s: Cannot close the file ''%s''.\n"
"%s: End of file at line %d.\n"
"%s: Binary direct access files must be opened by ''file''.\n"
"%s: C file logical unit not allowed here.\n"
"%s: Fortran file logical unit not allowed here.\n"
"%s: No input file associated to logical unit %d.\n"

Dynamical systems

"%s: Argument #%d: Transfer matrix expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: In state space form expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: In continuous time expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: In discrete time expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: SISO expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Undefined time domain.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Invalid state space representation.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: A system in state space or transfer matrix form expected.\n"


"%s: No more memory.\n"
"%s: No more memory: %d requested, %d available.\n"
"%s: Non implemented feature.\n"
"%s: Inconsistent addition.\n"
"%s: Inconsistent multiplication.\n"
"%s: The problem is singular.\n"
"%s: Division by 0...\n"
"%s: Invalid index.\n"
"%s: ''%s'' expected instead of ''%s''.\n"
"%s: Recursion limit reached.\n"
"%s: Recursion problems. Sorry...\n"
"%s: Convergence problem...\n"

"%s: Incorrect syntax.\n"
"%s: Incorrect assignment.\n"
"%s: Subroutine ''%s'' not found.\n"
"%s: Bad call to primitive ''%s''.\n"
"%s: Dot cannot be used as modifier for this operator.\n"
"%s: Problem with comparison symbol...\n"
"%s: Missing operator, comma, or semicolon.\n"


lang0 = getlanguage();
setlanguage fr;

msg = _("%s: Wrong number of input arguments: %d or %d expected.\n")
error(msprintf(msg, "myfun", 2, 3))

msg = _("%s: Argument #%d: Must be in the set {%s}.\n")
error(msprintf(msg, "myfun", 2, "''r'' ''c''"))

msg = _("%s: Non implemented feature.\n")
error(msprintf(msg, "myfun"))


msg = _("%s: Argument #%d: Encoded integer of type (%s) expected.\n")
error(msprintf(msg, "myfun", 1, "uint16"))

msg = _("%s: Argument #%d: The %s handle is no longer valid.\n")
error(msprintf(msg, "myfun", 3, _("graphic")))
--> msg = _("%s: Wrong number of input arguments: %d or %d expected.\n")
 msg  =
 %s : Nombre erroné d'arguments d'entrée : %d ou %d attendus.\n

--> error(msprintf(msg, "myfun", 2, 3))
myfun : Nombre erroné d'arguments d'entrée : 2 ou 3 attendus.

--> msg = _("%s: Argument #%d: Must be in the set {%s}.\n")
 msg  =
 %s : Argument #%d : doit être dans l'ensemble {%s}.\n

--> error(msprintf(msg, "myfun", 2, """r"" ""c"""))
myfun : Argument #2 : doit être dans l'ensemble {"r" "c"}.

--> msg = _("%s: Non implemented feature.\n")
 msg  =
 %s : Fonction non implémentée\n

--> error(msprintf(msg, "myfun"))
myfun : Fonction non implémentée

--> setlanguage(lang0);

--> msg = _("%s: Argument #%d: Encoded integer of type (%s) expected.\n");
--> error(msprintf(msg, "myfun", 1, "uint16"))

myfun: Argument #1: Encoded integer of type (uint16) expected.

--> msg = _("%s: Argument #%d: The %s handle is no longer valid.\n");
--> error(msprintf(msg, "myfun", 3, _("graphic")))

myfun: Argument #3: The graphic handle is no longer valid.

See also

  • error — reports a run time error
  • gettext — indexes or/and translates some indexed english messages
  • msprintf — converts, formats, and writes data in a string
  • printf_conversion — mprintf, msprintf, mfprintf C-format specifications
  • warning — warning messages
  • lasterror — get last recorded error message


6.0.0 Error numbers can no longer be used alone. There are now optional (default = 10000) and local (set at each error() call).
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Copyright (c) 2017-2022 (ESI Group)
Copyright (c) 2011-2017 (Scilab Enterprises)
Copyright (c) 1989-2012 (INRIA)
Copyright (c) 1989-2007 (ENPC)
with contributors
Last updated:
Thu Oct 24 11:13:05 CEST 2024