Block Screenshot

The VanneReglante block represents a variable orifice control valve. The flow rate through the valve is proportional to the valve opening.
ΔP × h × |h| = k × Q × |Q|
where h is the valve opening, ΔP is the pressure difference, and Q is the flow rate. This model is only used for the laminar flow regimes. k is a constant depending on the valve geometry and mass density of fluid.

Cvmax (maximum opening of the valve)
Properties : Type 'vec' of size -1.
Fluid density
Properties : Type 'vec' of size -1.
Default properties
Inputs :
Modelica variable name : 'C1'
Implicit variable.
Modelica variable name : 'Ouv'
Explicit variable.
Outputs :
Modelica variable name : 'C2'
Implicit variable.
Parameters :
Modelica parameter name : 'Cvmax'
Default value : 8005.42
Is a state variable : no.
Modelica parameter name : 'p_rho'
Default value : 0
Is a state variable : no.
File name of the model : VanneReglante
Interfacing function
Modelica model
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