value=TCL_GetVar(Varname [,interp])
- varname
character string. Contains the name of the tcl/tk variable.
- interp
optional character string parameter. Name of the slave tcl interpreter in which the operation has to be performed. If not provided, it defaults to the main tcl interpreter created by Scilab.
- value
may be a character string or a strings matrix. Contains the value of the tcl/tk variable
in the interpreterinterp
When tcl/tk support is enabled in Scilab, this routine can be used to retrieve the value of a tcl/tk variable.
More information about Tcl/Tk:

TCL_EvalStr("toplevel .tst1"); // creates a toplevel TK window. TCL_EvalStr("entry .tst1.e -textvariable tvar"); // create an editable entry TCL_EvalStr("set tvar foobar"); // set the entry value TCL_EvalStr("pack .tst1.e"); // pack the entry widget. It appears on the screen. text=TCL_GetVar("tvar") // retrieve the variable value // change the entry text and repeat the last command ... //delete the toplevel TK window. TCL_EvalStr("destroy .tst1") //---------------------------------------------------- a=["A","B","C";"D","E","F"]; TCL_SetVar("A",a) AfromTCL=TCL_GetVar("A") //---------------------------------------------------- b=[6,4,1;2,3,5]; TCL_SetVar("B",b) BfromTCL=TCL_GetVar("B") //---------------------------------------------------- TCL_SetVar("StringTCL","string") StringFromTCL=TCL_GetVar("StringTCL") //---------------------------------------------------- TCL_SetVar("ScalarTCL",1.22) ScalarFromTCL=TCL_GetVar("ScalarTCL") //---------------------------------------------------- // Examples with a slave interpreter //---------------------------------------------------- a=['AA','BB','CC';'DD','EE','FF']; TCL_CreateSlave('SlaveInterp') TCL_SetVar("A_slave",a,'SlaveInterp') AfromTCL_slave=TCL_GetVar('A_slave','SlaveInterp') TCL_DeleteInterp('SlaveInterp') //---------------------------------------------------- b=[66,44,11;22,33,55]; TCL_CreateSlave('SlaveInterp1') TCL_SetVar("B_slave",b,'SlaveInterp1') BfromTCL_slave=TCL_GetVar('B_slave','SlaveInterp1') TCL_DeleteInterp('SlaveInterp1') //---------------------------------------------------- TCL_CreateSlave('SlaveInterp2') TCL_SetVar("StringTCL_slave","string in slave interpreter",'SlaveInterp2') StringFromTCL_slave=TCL_GetVar("StringTCL_slave",'SlaveInterp2') TCL_DeleteInterp('SlaveInterp2') //---------------------------------------------------- TCL_CreateSlave('SlaveInterp3') TCL_SetVar("ScalarTCL_slave",1.22,'SlaveInterp3') ScalarFromTCL_slave=TCL_GetVar("ScalarTCL_slave",'SlaveInterp3') TCL_DeleteInterp('SlaveInterp3')
See also
- ScilabEval — tcl instruction : Evaluate a string with scilab interpreter
- TCL_EvalFile — Reads and evaluate a tcl/tk file
- TCL_EvalStr — Evaluate a string within the Tcl/Tk interpreter
- TCL_SetVar — Set a tcl/tk variable value
- TCL_ExistVar — Return %T if a tcl variable exists
- TCL_UnsetVar — Remove a tcl variable
- TCL_UpVar — Make a link from a tcl source variable to a tcl destination variable
- TCL_CreateSlave — Create a TCL slave interpreter
- TCL_DeleteInterp — delete TCL interpreter
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