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Scilab help >> CHANGES

Welcome to Scilab 2024.1.0

This file details the changes between Scilab 2024.1.0 (this version), and the previous stable 2023.1.0 release (including information from 2024.0.0). For changelogs of earlier releases, please see Scilab 2024.0.0.


Please report anything we could have missed, on the Scilab Community on Discourse or the bug tracker.

New features

For a high-level description of the main new features of this release, please consult the the "What's new" page of the help, by simply typing help in the Scilab console.

In summary, the main new features and additions are:

Scilab 2024.1.0

New functions

Language changes



Web tools

Scilab 2024.0.0

New functions

Language changes

Web tools


Differential equations

Sparse matrices


Obsolete functions or features

Scilab 2024.1.0

All these functions and features will be removed in Scilab 2026.0.0 (October 2025):

Scilab 2024.0.0

All these functions and features will be removed in Scilab 2025.0.0 (October 2024):

Removed Functions

Scilab 2024.0.0

The following functions have been removed:

Removed Features

The following features and usages have been removed or disabled:


Scilab 2024.1.0

Scilab 2024.0.0

Packaging & Supported Operating Systems

Scilab 2024.1.0

Scilab 2024.0.0

API/ABI modification

Scilab 2024.1.0

Scilab 2024.0.0


Scilab 2024.1.0

Issue Fixes

Scilab 2024.1.0

Scilab 2024.0.0