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2024.0.0 - Русский

Электронная таблица

  • Timeseries/Table
    • cell2tableconvert a cell into a table
    • detectImportOptionsstructure containing all useful information to import the file
    • groupcountsreturns the number of elements for each group
    • groupsummarycreate groups in table or timeseries and apply functions to variables within groups
    • isregularcheck if the time vector is regular
    • matrix2tableconvert a matrix into a table
    • pivotcreate a pivoted table providing a summary of data.
    • readtablecreate a table from a file
    • readtimeseriescreate a timeseries from a file
    • retimecreate a new timeserie on a new time basis
    • rowfunapply a function to each row of the table/timeseries
    • struct2tableconvert a struct into a table
    • synchronizesynchronize several timeseries on the same time basis
    • tablecreate a table from variables
    • table2cellconvert a table into a cell
    • table2matrixconvert a table into a matrix
    • table2structconvert a table into a struct
    • table2timeseriesconvert a table into a timeseries
    • timeseriescreate a timeseries - table with time as index
    • timeseries2tableconvert a timeseries into a table
    • varfunapply a function to each column of the table/timeseries
    • writetablewrite a table to file
    • writetimeserieswrite a timeseries to file
  • csvDefaultGet or set defaults behavior for csv files.
  • csvReadRead comma-separated value file
  • csvTextScanConverts into a matrix texts representing separated values
  • csvWriteWrite comma-separated value file
  • read_csvчитает файл, содержащий значения, разделённые запятой (csv)
  • readxlsчитает Excel-файл
  • write_csvзаписывает файл, содержащий значения, разделённые запятой (csv)
  • xls_openоткрывает Excel-файл для чтения
  • xls_readчитает листы в Excel-файле
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Last updated:
Tue Oct 24 14:37:13 CEST 2023