Chaînes de caractères
- ascii — string ASCII conversions
- blanks — create string of blank characters
- char — converts in a character array
- convstr — case conversion
- emptystr — zero length string
- evstr — évalue des expressions Scilab et concatène leurs résultats
- grep — find matches of a string in a vector of strings
- isalphanum — check that characters of a string are alphanumerics
- isascii — Tests if every character of given strings is 7-bit US-ASCII
- isdigit — check that characters of a string are digits between 0 and 9
- isletter — check that characters of a string are alphabetic letters
- isnum — teste si une chaîne de caractères représente un nombre
- justify — Aligns the strings completed with spaces within each column, to the left, center or right
- length — Number of characters of a string. Number of elements of an array or list.
- part — Extraction of characters from strings
- prettyprint — Converts a Scilab object into some corresponding LaTeX, TeX, MathML or HTML strings
- regexp — find a substring that matches the regular expression string
- sci2exp — returns a string able to generate a given Scilab object
- strcat — concatenates character strings
- strchr — find the first occurrence of a character in a string
- strcmp — compare character strings
- strcspn — lengths from the beginning of strings until a character among those prohibited
- strindex — search position of a character string in another string
- string — conversion en chaîne de caractères
- stripblanks — strips / trims leading or trailing or both
blanks (and tabs) of strings
- strncpy — gets and gives the N first characters of the given strings
- strrchr — find the last occurrence of a character in a string
- strrev — Reverses the order of characters in the given strings
- strsplit — split a single string at some given positions or patterns
- strspn — lengths of the beginning of strings as long as characters are among those allowed
- strstr — Tail of a string starting from the 1st occurrrence of a given fragment
- strsubst — substitute a character string by another in a character string
- strtod — convertit chaque nombre décimal littéral (chaine de caractères) en sa valeur numérique
- strtok — split string into tokens
- tokenpos — returns the tokens positions in a character string
- tokens — Splits a string using separators and gives its chunks