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convert a table into a matrix


m = table2matrix(t)



table object


double, boolean, string, datetime or duration matrix


table2matrix converts a table into a matrix. m has the same size of t. The data of t must be homogeneous to convert them to a matrix. If t is a table with row names, then the data is lost.


m = table2matrix(t)

t = table([1; 4; 7], [2; 5; 8], [3; 6; 9])
m = table2matrix(t)

x = ["a"; "b"; "c"]
t.Properties.RowNames = x
m = table2matrix(t)

See also

  • table — create a table from variables
  • matrix2table — convert a matrix into a table
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Last updated:
Tue Oct 24 14:30:09 CEST 2023