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2023.0.0 - Русский


Builds or updates localization .po and .mo files of a toolbox





path of the toolbox, use to locate files to compile.


tbx_build_localization(…) calls tbx_generate_pofile(…) to create the ~/locales/en_US.po reference file, or to updated all existing ~/locales/*.po files.

*.po files -- one for each language -- are text editable files where reference english messages used when calling gettext(domain, "The message") are listed. Below each reference message (msgid), the translated version is provided. As an example, here is a sample of a fr_FR.po file (with extra comments):

#: ~\macros\scilab_add.sci:13       << file:line_number places where gettext() is called for the msgid.
#: ~\macros\scilab_error.sci:22     << The same message is used in another file. etc.
msgid "New message #2.\n"           << gettext() argument = reference message (english)
msgstr "Nouveau message n° 2.\n"    << translated message (entered by a translator).

#: ~\macros\scilab_add.sci:16
msgid "New message #3.\n"
msgstr ""                            << Missing translation, to complete.

For more details about how .po files are built, please refer to the tbx_generate_pofile page.

Then, for each language * defined for the toolbox, ~/locales/*/LC_MESSAGES/*.mo files are built from translated messages. *.mo files are binary files used by gettext(msgid) at call time to quickly get the translation.


tbx_make  SCI/contrib/toolbox_skeleton  localization

is equivalent to

tbx_build_localization  SCI/contrib/toolbox_skeleton
--> tbx_build_localization  SCI/contrib/toolbox_skeleton
WARNING: tbx_build_localization (toolbox_skeleton\locales\):
WARNING:    - The msgid have been updated in *.po files.
WARNING:    - fr_FR.po : 0 untranslated messages.

Generating localization
-- Building for "en_US" --
-- Building for "fr_FR" --

See also

  • tbx_make . localization — Builds a toolbox having a standard structure (EXPERIMENTAL)
  • tbx_generate_pofile — Extracts gettext msgid strings from the toolbox source files. Creates/updates .po files
  • addlocalizationdomain — add a new domain in localization mechanism.
  • gettext — индексирует или/и переводит некоторые индексированные сообщения на английском языке


5.5.0 Function tbx_build_localization added.
6.0.0 tbx_name is no longer required.

Existing .po files are now automatically updated for every newly detected msgid.

tbx_name input argument removed.

Report an issue
<< tbx_build_loader Sections builders tbx_build_src >>

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with contributors
Last updated:
Tue Mar 07 09:29:08 CET 2023