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2023.0.0 - Português


checks if the given fieldname exists in a structure or mlist or tlist


bool = isfield(s, fieldname)



a struct array, a tlist or a mlist.


a matrix of strings: names of fields to be detected


a matrix of boolean (same format as fieldname>)


This function returns %t if the specified structure or tlist or mlist s includes the field fieldname, regardless of the corresponding value. For a structure, the hidden field dims is ignored.


s = struct("field_1",123,"field_2",456,"field_4",789)

// Single Fieldname Syntax
isfield( s , "field_1"  )

// Multiple Fieldname Syntax
isfield( s , [ "field_1" "field_2" ; "field_3" "field_4" ] )

// with a tlist:
s = tlist(["test" "t" "n","","p"], "Hello", %pi, "anonymous", (1-%z)^3)
isfield(s, ["b" "t" ""])  // =>  F  T  T  (anonymous fields can be detected)

See also

  • struct — Builds a structure or an array of structures
  • tlist — objeto do Scilab e definição de listas com tipos ("typed lists")
  • mlist — objeto Scilab, definição de listas com tipos orientadas matricialmente
  • getfield — extração de campos de listas
  • definedfields — retorna o índice dos campos definidos de uma lista


5.5 Extension to any mlist and tlist.
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Last updated:
Mon Mar 27 09:49:55 GMT 2023