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temporary directory path.


The TMPDIR constant holds the temporary directory absolute path of a Scilab process. Each Scilab process has its own temporary directory, created and referenced to TMPDIR during Scilab startup. The temporary directory is deleted when Scilab stops.

The temporary directories are created as subdirectories of the system temporary directory and named SCI_TMP_<unique> where <unique> is some number generated at Scilab startup for the name to be unique. Under GNU/Linux, UNIX and Mac OS X, directory access rights are limited to the Scilab user.

The TMPDIR constant cannot be altered during Scilab execution. However, under GNU/Linux, UNIX and Mac OS X, the system temporary directory (usually /tmp) can be selected by altering the TMPDIR system variable.

TMPDIR can be used as a general temporary directory, without respect to any Scilab session.



See also

  • tempname — creates a file with an unique filename
  • home — Gives the user directory.
  • SCIHOME — contains the path to preferences, history files of your Scilab session.
  • SCI — variable containing the value of the root path of Scilab.
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Last updated:
Mon Mar 27 09:49:51 GMT 2023