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2023.0.0 - Français


matrix subscript values to linear index


I = sub2ind(dims,i1,i2,...)
J = sub2ind(dims,Mi)



vector: the matrix dimensions


the subscript value arrays(same matrix shape as I)


matrix whose columns contains the subscript values.


the linear index array


sub2ind is used to determine the equivalent single index corresponding to a given set of subscript values. I = sub2ind(dims,i1,i2,..) returns the linear index equivalent to the row, column, ... subscripts in the arrays i1, i2,.. for an matrix of size dims. In this case i1, i2,.. must have the same shape and the result I has the same matrix shape. I = sub2ind(dims,Mi) returns the linear index equivalent to the subscripts in the columns of the matrix Mi for a matrix of size dims. in this case I is a column vector.


i=[1 2 1 1 2 1 1];
j=[1 2 3 1 2 3 3];
k=[1 2 1 2 1 2 1];


See also

  • ind2sub — linear index to matrix subscript values
  • extraction — extraction à partir d'une matrice ou d'une liste
  • insertion — insertion/modification dans une variable
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Last updated:
Mon Mar 27 10:12:36 GMT 2023