myvar = getscicosvars(str) myvar =getscicosvars([str1;str2;...])
That utility function is used to retrieve working arrays of Scicos simulator and compiler during simulation.
It can be used inside a Scilab block to get information of all type of blocks. That function is very useful to debug diagrams and to do prototypes of simulations.
str,str1,str2,... : That parameter can be a string or a matrix of string. The following entries are allowed :
"x" : get the continuous state register.
"nx" : get the length of the continuous state register.
"xptr" : get the pointers register of the continuous state register.
"zcptr" : get the pointers register of the zero-crossing surfaces register.
"z" : get the discrete state register.
"nz" : get the length of the continuous state register.
"zptr" : get the pointers register of the discrete state register.
"noz" : get the number of elements of the discrete object state list.
"oz" : get the discrete object state list.
"ozsz" : get the size of the elements of the discrete object state list.
"oztyp" : get the type of the elements of the discrete object state list.
"ozptr" : get the pointers register of the discrete object state list.
"rpar" : get the real parameter register.
"rpptr" : get the pointers register of the real parameter register.
"ipar" : get the integer parameter register.
"ipptr" : get the pointers register of the integer parameter register.
"opar" : get the object parameter list.
"oparsz" : get the size of the elements of the object parameter list.
"opartyp" : get the type of the elements of the object parameter list.
"opptr" : get the pointers register of the object parameter list.
"outtb" : get the output register.
"inpptr" : get the pointers register of the number of regular input ports.
"outptr" : get the pointers register of the number of regular output ports.
"inplnk" : get the pointers register of the links connected to regular input ports.
"outlnk" : get the pointers register of the links connected to regular output ports.
"subs" : not used
"tevts" : get the current date register of the agenda.
"evtspt" : get the current event register of the agenda.
"pointi" : get the next event to be activated.
"iord" : get the vector of blocks activated at the start of the simulation.
"oord" : get the vector of blocks whose outputs affects computation of continuous state derivatives.
"zord" : get the vector of blocks whose outputs affects computation of zero-crossing surfaces.
"funtyp" : get the vector of type of computational functions.
"ztyp" : get the pointers vector for blocks which use zero-crossing surfaces.
"cord" : get the vector of blocks whose outputs evolve continuously.
"ordclk" : get the matrix associated to blocks activated by output activation ports.
"clkptr" : get the pointers vector for output activation ports.
"ordptr" : get the pointers vector to ordclk designating the part of ordclk corresponding to a given activation.
"critev" : get the vector of the critical events.
"mod" : get the vector pointers of block modes.
"nmod" : get the length of the vector pointers of block modes.
"iz" : get the register that store pointers of block->work.
"izptr" : get the pointers vector of the register that store C pointers of block->work.
"nblk" : get the number of block.
"outtbptr" : get the register that store C pointers of outtb.
"outtbpsz" : get the register that store the size of the elements of outtb.
"outtbtyp" : get the register that store the type of the elements of outtb.
"nlnk" : get the number of output.
"ncord" : get the number of blocks whose outputs evolve continuously.
"nordptr" : get the number of blocks whose outputs evolve by activation.
"iwa" : n.d.
"blocks" : get a scilab list that contains all block structures contains in the diagram.
"ng" : get length of the zero-crossing surfaces register.
"g" : get the zero-crossing surfaces register.
"t0" : get the current time of the simulation.
"tf" : get the final time of the simulation.
"Atol" : get the integrator absolute tolerance for the numerical solver.
"rtol" : get the integrator relative tolerance for the numerical solver.
"ttol" : get the tolerance on time of the simulator.
"deltat" : get the maximum integration time interval.
"hmax" : get the maximum step size for the numerical solver.
"nelem" : get the number of elements in outtb.
"outtb_elem" : get the vector of the number of elements in outtb.
myvar : That output parameter can be an int32 matrix, a double matrix or a Tlist. This is given by the input parameter.
See also
- scicos_debug — Set the level of the Scicos debugging
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