sets the current axes to a chosen cell of the current gridded figure
subplot(m,n,p) subplot(mnp)
- m, n, p
positive integers
- mnp
an integer with decimal notation
subplot(m,n,p) or subplot(mnp) virtually grids the graphics window into an m-by-n matrix of sub-windows, and selects the pth sub-window for receiving the forthcoming drawings.
Into the grid, cells are indexed along each row, starting from the top row.
Hence, for instance the last cell of the first row is the p = nth
one. The cell on the row #i and the column #j has the index p=(i-1)*n+j
When the selected area matches exactly an existing axes, subplot(…)
just sets it as the current axes, and returns.
Otherwise, subplot(…)
creates an empty axes covering the selected area,
ready to receive forthcoming plotting contents.

A more complex layout, but still gridable:
clf subplot(1,2,2) Matplot1() xtitle("Matplot1() example","","") subplot(2,2,1) histplot delete(findobj("type","Legend")) subplot(2,2,3) title("Smaller plots:", "fontsize",3) subplot(2,4,5) polarplot() subplot(2,4,6) param3d() xtitle("","","","")

See also
- xsetech — set the sub-window of a graphics window for plotting
- newaxes — Creates a new Axes entity
- axes_properties — description of the axes entity properties
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