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2023.0.0 - English


prompt for user input


x = input(message)
x = input(message, "string")



character string


the character string "string" (may be abbreviated to "s")


real number (or character string if "string" is in the syntax)


input(message) gives the user the prompt in the text string and then waits for input from the keyboard. The input can be expression which is evaluated by evstr. If nothing but a carriage return is entered at the prompt input(message) returns an empty matrix.

Invoked with two arguments, the output is a character string which is the expression entered at keyboard. If nothing but a carriage return is entered at the prompt, input(message) returns an empty string.


//x=input("How many iterations?")
//x=input("What is your name?","string")

See also

  • evstr — evaluates Scilab expressions and concatenates their results
  • x_dialog — Dialog for interactive multi-lines input.
  • x_mdialog — Dialog for interactive vector/matrix input.
  • isempty — check if a variable is an empty matrix or an empty list



In case where nothing is entered with the string input argument, input returns an empty string instead of a space.

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Last updated:
Mon Mar 27 11:52:51 GMT 2023