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Справка Scilab >> GUI > Layouts > Border Layout Options Properties

Border Layout Options Properties

Description of the border layout options set of properties.

Calling Sequence

layout_options = createLayoutOptions("border")
layout_options = createLayoutOptions("border", padding)



[pad_x, pad_y] a 1-by-2 matrix of doubles, [0,0] by default.

The padding between elements of the border layout in pixels.


The created layout_options object


This functions creates the border layout options to set uicontrols layout_options attribute.


//Creating a figure with the border layout with 50 pixel padding in width and 10 in height 
f = figure( ...
"dockable"        , "off",...
"infobar_visible" , "off",...
"toolbar"         , "none",...
"menubar_visible" , "off",...
"menubar"         , "none",...
"default_axes"    , "off",...
"layout"          , "border",...
"layout_options", createLayoutOptions("border", [50,10]),...
"visible"         , "on");

 c = createConstraints("border", "top", [50,10]);
 //First frame is on top with 10 pixel in height
 u_grid1 = uicontrol(f,...
 "style", "frame",...
 "backgroundcolor", [1 0 0], ...
 "constraints", c);

 c.position = "left";
 u_grid2 = uicontrol(f,...
 "style", "frame",...
 "backgroundcolor", [0 1 0], ...
 "constraints", c);

 c.position = "center";
 u_grid3 = uicontrol(f,...
 "style", "frame",...
 "backgroundcolor", [0 0 1], ...
 "constraints", c);

 c.preferredsize = [10, 100];
 c.position = "right";
 u_grid4 = uicontrol(f,...
 "style", "frame",...
 "backgroundcolor", [1 1 0], ...
 "constraints", c);

 c.position = "bottom";
 u_grid5 = uicontrol(f,...
 "style", "frame",...
 "backgroundcolor", [1 0 1], ...
 "constraints", c);

See Also

  • layout — Description of the different layouts and constraints for uicontrols and figures.
  • createLayoutOptions — Creates the layout options for a frame uicontrol or a figure
  • uicontrol — create a Graphic User Interface object
  • uicontrol_properties — Description of the uicontrol properties.


5.5.0 Function createBorder introduced.
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<< Border Constraints Properties Layouts createConstraints >>

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Last updated:
Wed Apr 01 10:27:20 CEST 2015