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Scilab Help >> Xcos > Scilab Utilities Functions > xcosPalExport


Export a palette instance to a path.

Calling Sequence

xcosPalExport(pal, path);
status = xcosPalExport(pal, path);
[status, message] = xcosPalExport(pal, path);



palette tlist; the palette to export


string path; where to export the palette (HDF5 formatted file)


boolean; status of the export


string; error message


Export Scilab palette instance to a file.


pal = xcosPal();

o1 = SUM_f("define");
o2 = BIGSOM_f("define");

pal = xcosPalAddBlock(pal, o1);
pal = xcosPalAddBlock(pal, o2);

xcosPalExport(pal, TMPDIR + "/palette.sod");

See also

  • xcosPal — Instanciate a new Xcos palette on Scilab.
  • xcosPalAdd — Add a palette to the Scilab/Xcos palette manager. Optional property can be added to set the category of the palette.
Report an issue
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with contributors
Last updated:
Fri Apr 11 14:07:04 CEST 2014