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Scilabヘルプ >> Elementary Functions > matrixoperations > kron .\. ./.

kron .\. ./.

Kronecker left and right divisions


X = A .\. B // while B = A .*. X
X = B ./. A // while B = X .*. A


Array of decimal or complex numbers, of size (x1,x2,..).
Array of decimal or complex numbers, of size (a1,a2,..), with any number of dimensions.
Array of decimal or complex numbers, of size (a1*x1, a2*x2,..), with any number of dimensions.


B ./. A computes and provides the array X such that B = X .*. A.

A .\. B computes and provides the array X such that B = A .*. X.

In both cases, each X coefficient is constrained by length(A) proportional equations. The divisions are so performed in a least-square way minimizing norm(A.*.X - B, 2) or norm(X.*.A - B, 2).


Simple example with low and crossed dimensions:

A = 0:3
B = [1 10 100]'
P = A .*. B
--> A = 0:3
 A  =
   0.   1.   2.   3.

--> B = [1 10 100]'
 B  =

--> P = A .*. B
 P  =
   0.   1.     2.     3.
   0.   10.    20.    30.
   0.   100.   200.   300.

--> P ./. B
 ans  =
   0.   1.   2.   3.

--> A .\. P
 ans  =

Still with some low dimensions, and with noisy data:

A = 1:3
B = 0:4
P = A .*. B
P ./. B
A .\. P

// Let's add some additive noise, and process noisy data:
P = P + grand(P, "unf", -0.3, 0.3)
P ./. B
A .\. P
--> A = 1:3
 A  =
   1.   2.   3.

--> B = 0:4
 B  =
   0.   1.   2.   3.   4.

--> P = A .*. B
 P  =
   0.  1.  2.  3.  4.  0.  2.  4.  6.  8.  0.  3.  6.  9.  12.

--> P ./. B
 ans  =
   1.   2.   3.

--> A .\. P
 ans  =
   0.   1.   2.   3.   4.

--> // Let's add some additive noise, and process noisy data:
--> P = P + grand(P, "unf", -0.3, 0.3)
 P  =
         column 1 to 8
  -0.2793324   1.0981633   1.9632466   2.775538   3.9289351  -0.1738746   2.1593101   3.7307299

         column 9 to 15
   6.1771199   7.7218648  -0.1878764   2.9452387   5.9938586   8.9747935   11.967352

--> P ./. B
 ans  =
   0.9689004   1.9679863   2.9908914

--> A .\. P
 ans  =
  -0.0850508   1.0180357   1.9575916   3.0038685   3.9481943

With hypermatrices:

M = [-9.4  -7.    8.6  -2.3
      0.1  -3.   -0.4  -0.7
     -6.9  -5.3   3.6  -6.6 ];
H = cat(3,-2,3)
P = M .*. H
P ./. H
M .\. P
 M  =
  -9.4  -7.    8.6  -2.3
   0.1  -3.   -0.4  -0.7
  -6.9  -5.3   3.6  -6.6

--> H = cat(3,-2,3)
 H  =

--> P = M .*. H
 P  =
   18.8   14.   -17.2   4.6
  -0.2    6.     0.8    1.4
   13.8   10.6  -7.2    13.2

  -28.2  -21.    25.8  -6.9
   0.3   -9.    -1.2   -2.1
  -20.7  -15.9   10.8  -19.8

--> P ./. H
 ans  =
  -9.4  -7.    8.6  -2.3
   0.1  -3.   -0.4  -0.7
  -6.9  -5.3   3.6  -6.6

--> M .\. P
 ans  =


See Also

  • kron — クロネッカー積. Weighted array replication
  • slash — (/) 右除算およびフィードバック
  • backslash — (\) 左行列除算.
  • star — (*) 乗算演算子



.\. and ./. actually implemented, for decimal and complex numbers.

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Last updated:
Tue Feb 25 08:53:19 CET 2020