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2025.0.0 - English


  • Scilab keywords
    • backslash(\) left matrix division: Exact or least square solution
    • brackets [,;]Concatenation. Recipients of an assignment. Results of a function
    • colon (:)Ranging operator. Addresses all elements along an array dimension or of a list.
    • comma(,) comma; instruction, argument separator
    • comments(// or /*...*/) comments
    • comparisoncomparison, relational operators
    • dollar($) last index
    • dot(.) symbol
    • equal(=) assignment , comparison, equal sign
    • getscilabkeywordsreturns a list with all scilab keywords.
    • hat(^) exponentiation
    • less(<) less than comparison
    • minus(-) subtraction operator. Sign change
    • not(~) logical not
    • parentheses( ) left and right parenthesis
    • percent(%) special character
    • plus (+)Numerical addition. Text concatenation (gluing)
    • quote(') transpose operator, string delimiter
    • semicolon(;) ending expression and row separator
    • slash(/) right divisions. System's feed back. Comments
    • star(*) multiplication operator
    • symbolsscilab operator names
    • tilde(~) logical not
    • underscore _ignored output argument. gettext() alias
  • Control flow
    • abortinterrupt evaluation.
    • argumentskeyword to check function arguments
    • Arguments ValidatorsList of predefined validators that can be used in arguments block.
    • breakkeyword to interrupt loops
    • casekeyword used in statement "select"
    • continuekeyword to pass control to the next iteration of a loop
    • dolanguage keyword for loops
    • elsekeyword in if-then-else and select-case-then-else
    • elseifkeyword in if-then-else
    • endend keyword
    • forkeyword entering a non-conditional loop
    • haltstop execution
    • ifkeyword for conditional execution
    • pausetemporarily pauses the running execution, and allows instructions in console.
    • resumereturn or resume execution and copy some local variables
    • returnreturn or resume execution and copy some local variables
    • selectselect keyword
    • thenkeyword in control flows 'if' and 'select'
    • trybeginning of try block in try-catch control instruction
    • whileOpens a block of instructions iterated on a heading condition
  • Configuration
    • bannershows Scilab banner
    • getdebuginfoget information about Scilab to debug
    • getmemoryreturns free and total system memory
    • getmoduleslists modules installed in Scilab
    • getosreturn Operating System name and version
    • getscilabmodereturns scilab mode
    • getshellreturns current command interpreter
    • getversionget scilab and modules version information
    • oldEmptyBehaviourControls the operation+ and operation- behaviour for Scilab
    • recursionlimitget or set the current or maximal allowed depth of nested calls
    • sciargsscilab command line arguments
    • verVersion information for Scilab
    • with_javasciChecks if Scilab has been built with the Java interface
    • with_macros_sourceChecks if macros sources are installed
    • with_moduleChecks if a Scilab module is installed
  • Debugging
    • debugenters the Scilab debugger mode
    • whereget current instruction calling tree
    • whereamidisplay current instruction calling tree
  • Error handling
    • errclearclears the last error (if its number matches a given one)
    • errorreports a run time error
    • error_tablelist of main standard errors messages
    • lasterrorget last recorded error message
    • warningwarning messages
  • types
    • booleanScilab Objects, boolean variables and operators & | ~
    • functionsScilab procedures and Scilab objects
    • hypermatricesa Scilab object, N dimensional matrix in Scilab
    • Lambda functionsScilab procedures and Scilab objects
    • librarylibrary datatype
    • matricesScilab objects, matrices in Scilab
    • rationalrational fractions
    • stringsScilab Object, character strings
    • typereturns the type of a Scilab object
    • typenameassociates a name to variable type
    • typeofexplicit type or overloading code of an object
  • Variables
    • Constants
      • SCI, WSCIvariable containing the value of the root path of Scilab.
      • SCIHOMEcontains the path to preferences, history files of your Scilab session.
      • TMPDIRtemporary directory path
      • homeGives the user directory.
      • %charsSelected sets of Unicode characters
      • %eEuler number.
      • %epsepsilon (floating-point relative accuracy)
      • %f or %FBoolean variable for false.
      • %i, 1i, 1jimaginary unit
      • %infinfinity
      • %nannot-a-number
      • %piratio of circle's circumference to its diameter
      • %sA variable used to define polynomials.
      • %t or %TBoolean variable for true.
      • %zA variable used to define polynomials.
    • checkNamedArgumentsReturn list of unexpected named arguments
    • clearkills variables
    • clearglobalkills global variables
    • existschecks variable existence
    • globalDefine global variable
    • isdefchecks variable existence
    • isglobalchecks if a local variable has a global counterpart
    • namesNaming rules for variables and functions
    • predefvariable protection
    • wholisting of variables
    • who_userlisting of user's variables
    • whoslisting of variables in long form
  • exitEnds the current Scilab session
  • quitTerminates Scilab or decreases the pause level
  • startupstartup files
  • scilabruns Scilab in interactive or batch mode with command line options
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Copyright (c) 1989-2012 (INRIA)
Copyright (c) 1989-2007 (ENPC)
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Last updated:
Thu Oct 24 11:13:06 CEST 2024